Monday 21 October 2019

Walsall Printings of "High Value" Machin Sheets

As previously reported, the stamps traditionally known as 'high values' have been printed by ISP/Walsall for the first time and are about to be distributed by Royal Mail to collectors who have non-visible changes on their standing orders. 

These stamps are rarely available at Post Office branches but are available from some Royal Mail Delivery/Enquiry Offices and from Royal Mail's website - there is still a demand from outside philately.  At the time we were told of these (before Stampex) the £2 was out of stock and stock of another value was very low at Tallents House.

We have seen the earlier printings of these values in kiloware on plastic-wrapped packets but we don't actually know who uses them and why they don't use other means of payment for their postage, such as PPI or meter franking.  It's certainly not the philatelic trade in which there are plenty of other stamps available.

Unfortunately due to the excessive number of special stamp issues this year it has taken a month since Autumn Stampex for supplies to be sent to collectors and non-attending dealers, and already there is another new stamp (1st Signed For) to add to their automatic distrubutions.  However, as the delay has been Royal Mail's it will still be possible for collectors to ask the London Special Handstamp Centre for first day covers postmarked 11 September.  A Stampex (but not first day) special handstamp was available (ref 14953). 

The £2 and £3 values were printed on 22 July and the £5 on 23 July.  Numbers in our Checklist are 3200.9, 3300.9 and 3500.9.  As shown below, the colours are a good match with the original (or 2013) De La Rue printings (top row).

2019 Walsall printings of Machin High Value stamps compared with original De La Rue printings.

£2 definitive stamp 2019 Walsall printing cylinder block£3 definitive stamp 2019 Walsall printing cylinder block£5 definitive stamp 2019 Walsall printing cylinder block

£2 definitive stamp 2019 Walsall printing full sheet
£3 definitive stamp 2019 Walsall printing full sheet
£5 definitive stamp 2019 Walsall printing full sheet

I know some people are interested in the orientation of the backing paper.  On the £2 the Large is above the Small both Upright; on the other two values the Large Upright is above the Small Inverted.


  1. "but we don't actually know who uses them and why they don't use other means of payment for their postage, such as PPI or meter franking."

    I can answer that one Ian! The survey company Kantar/TNS tests Royal Mail's service by sending test items including some sent at Small Parcel Rate with stamps; these used the £2 and £3 values. (I know because I used to be one of their test recipients)

    1. Thank you! Amazing, that so quickly after I posted this somebody provides an answer.

  2. The 1st Class Standard Signed For NVC was promised, on an Order Advice, with the Harry Potter PSB of 4/12/18, but it never came. Price at the time £1.77. I have had an Order Advice for the £2,£3,£5 PP45p Total £10.45, to be issued on 24 Oct. I wonder if the Standard Signed For will be included (£1.90 now ?) We now wait for the Walsall NVC 50p and £1.50 for completion.

    1. I have a feeling the £1.50 may not be reprinted. It's an even more redundant value (yes, it's the 1st class Large second weight step 101-250 g, but...)


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