Friday 11 October 2019

More Post and Go News from the Postal Museum

Another Press Release.

The Postal Museum announces the opening of its second Post & Go machine

LONDON, 11 October 2019 - The Postal Museum is set to open its new additional Post & Go machine in the Mail Rail exhibition on Tuesday 29 October. The machine will vend two designs – The Post Office Underground Railway and 1st class Machin, both with a new overprint “Mail Rail” on all values.

The original kiosk in The Postal Museum will remain operational as usual.

A first day cover will also be available to purchase in the museum shop or online

The Post & Go machines are available at The Postal Museum during normal opening hours. Please see

Further enquiries reveal that there will be a first day cover but no presentation pack 'at this stage' there having been three in three months.  There may be one produced before Christmas.  Also, it has not been decided at this stage whether the first day cover will have one 1st class stamp or a set of all values.  Another press release will be produced before the issue date.

From the philatelic point of view it is assumed that the Underground Railway stamps will be digitally printed.


  1. As the original single design was digitally printed in 2017, the question is what year code will they be MA17 or R19YAL?

    1. There are also MA17 on ebay too



      from the receipts it looks like they started off with the old stock and then changed to new.

  2. I wonder how long before the new machine gets an additional module added to it, so more overprints can be produced?

  3. Kiosk A005 from the EARM. When I went there earlier this year they said it had been having communication issues and was switched off! Some examples on ebay already, looks like session number not reset on re-installation


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