Monday 30 June 2014

New postmarks for Commonwealth Games and Great War issues

Some new postmarks have been added to our webpages for these new stamp issues.  Here are a few of them, with links to the website:

Commonwealth Games:
UPDATE 11 July 2014:  more Great War postmarks for 28 May have been added to the website today.

Thursday 26 June 2014

They're the same - but different: stamps from the Great War prestige stamp book

The Great War prestige stamp book will be issued along with the set of stamps on 28 July 2014.  
UPDATE: See foot of post for news about the pictorial stamps in the same booklet.

The book is printed by Joh Enschede en Zonen and all of the definitive stamps have been printed by Enschede before, so is there nothing new in this list?
10p orange-brown Machin MPIL M14L - previously in Buckingham Palace PSB
20p bright green Machin MPIL M14L - ditto
£1 bistre-brown Machin MPIL M14L - ditto

1st class England Lion country definitive - previously in British Army PSB 2007
1st class Scotland Lion country definitive - previously in British Army PSB 2007
1st class Wales Dragon country definitive - previously in British Army PSB 2007
1st class Northern Ireland fields country definitive - previously in Classic Locos PSB 2014
So let's compare them side by side, with the new stamps on the right in all cases.  In the case of the mixed pane, the phosphor bands on the Buckingham Palace pane have a more matt finish when held at an angle to the light, the new ones are less visible.  The iridescent layer appears to be easier to read on the new stamps.

10p - my new example is a lighter shade


20p - little to distinguish, apart from the phosphor


England 1st - most notably different in shade and density.  The silver is different (but is still silver), and the tail of the lion appears to be further from the left edge. The figure of value is lower.


Scotland 1st - the new one slightly paler. The apparent dark band at the left must be show through from the selvedge of the Army stamp.  The phosphor bands, whilst less visible when held at an angle to the light (the Army one is very matt), is more visible when viewed straight on!

Wales 1st - aside from the phosphor differences, there is a very distinct difference in shade here, almost like the sheet printing when the yellow ink was dropped.  These are printed in 4-colour process (plus silver) but the difference is very clear.


Northern Ireland 1st - again, not a lot of difference here, as you would expect as the 'old' version was only issued in February.  Both have the microprinted '©2001' at the foot of the figure '1' but it is very difficult to read as even this uses the four colours. But whereas the other countries' stamps have phosphor bands almost the same width as the British Army ones, this has much narrower phosphor bands than in the Classic Locos book (ie wider visible space between them).

£1 wood-brown (RM)/bistre-brown(SG).  The new version is lighter and the iridescent layer is easier to read.  The phosphor on the new stamp is not much different to that on the earlier one.

We can now clarify that the King George V 1d red reproductions are not labels, but are all imperforate, and the red is printed on cream to mimic the paper used originally.

The rest of the stamps, and the special postmarks for this issue are shown on our webpage.

UPDATE 18 August 2014
The pictorial stamps issued in sheets have two phosphor bands except for the 'Starburst' painting and 'We Will Remember Them' poetry stamps which are all-over phosphor.  We now know that all 6 pictorial stamps in the PSB have all-over phosphor which means that at least 4 will have a separate listing in some catalogues.  They are certainly different stamps and we have them in stock now.

Monday 23 June 2014

Carelessness must be the cause of another Perth Post and Go error

Let's face it, my website has had its fair share of typos, and other errors.  That's what happens when you copy the page for one stamp issue to use again for another one, with all text suitably edited, images changed, etc etc.  Yes mistakes occur - and I'm grateful to readers for pointing them out!

But when you are responsible for producing stamps, you'd expect that they would be correct.  No, mistakes occur there as well, though rarely on British stamps.  The Buckingham Palace prestige stamp book did allege that the picture of Sir Winston Churchill on the selvedge of one pane was at Buckingham Palace when he was in fact at the Ministry of Health in Whitehall, but that didn't affect the stamps themselves.

So we come to the latest Post and Go Faststamp error, yet another one to have occurred at the Perth Congress. Now Perth, as we all know, is in Scotland, else why would the Scottish Philatelic Societies have their Congress there?   Well, the first Post and Go stamps to be dispensed were fine, but the receipt shows Perth to be in Wiltshire.  Yes, it's a hangover from the Salisbury show.  (As machinmaniac points out, this was 2013, but the point is valid)

This was on eBay - clearly showing the address of Perth, Wiltshire, SP1 3NR

After the many errors at Stampex, we were assured that quality control would be improved for future issues.  Perhaps that should now be extended to text on the receipts as well as the stamps themselves!

200th anniversary of Lord's Cricket Ground - special slogan postmark

Royal Mail are really taking collectors back to the 1960s now, with special slogan postmarks popping up all over the place, for collectors to find by chance.  

Four days ago, this message appeared on twitter - from Royal Mail News (
Howzat! We're celebrating the bicentenary of @HomeOfCricket with this special postmark!
It’ll appear on mail delivered to the NW8 postcode area, home of Lord’s

However I didn't notice the message, and was only alerted to the new postmark by one of our readers who sent this:

Is Windy Miller giving somebody out? Well maybe Royal Mail News, because our correspondent is in Hertfordshire, not St John's Wood, so the usage is not quite as restricted as they suggest.  Or it maybe something to do with the fact that the first match MCC played at Lord's was against Hertfordshire CCC (see BBC News).

Either way, this is a postmark that Cricket collectors will be looking for, so if you live in St John's Wood or Hertfordshire and have one to spare, please let me know.  Many thanks.

UPDATE: We have had reports of another example being received in Romford, Essex, and one from Gatwick MC to .... Pretoria South Africa!

Friday 13 June 2014

EBAY - a request

Please would everybody who makes a report about something 'seen on eBay' provide the eBay item number and the end date (and if possible the seller ID).  This will make it much easier to find the things you are reporting, to investigate, and to grab images to show here.

Thank you.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Where the L ??

Most collectors will remember the 2009 NAFAS mixed booklet on which one of the letters A was mysteriously dropped from the iridescent text.  Then an M was found to be missing from both 1st and 2nd class Large business sheet printings also from 2009.

Now we have been told about another missing letter, on this year's 1st and 2nd class Large counter sheets, which have MAI   ROYAL near the top, above the 'ST' and 'ND' indicating that the same iridescent cylinder was used for both values.  Thanks to Rob for alerting us to this!

Unlike the MCIL example - where other booklets had the complete text - these are unlikely to be variants meriting a separate entry in our checklist.  It is most likely that the same cylinder will be used for any subsequent 2014 printings - although if you find otherwise, we'd be delighted to be proved wrong!

Surprise new 1st class M13L coil found

Investor alert!  No this is not about investing in stamps but a call to those who invested in Royal Mail shares.  One of our correspondents reports receiving a communication from Equiniti about the share dividend, with an unexpected new stamp:

Yes, it's the 1st class MRIL coil with M13L code.  The previous red coil stamp distributed with the palette change issue (3 January 2013) was coded MA12.  This new stamp is numbered 2914R.3 in our system.  If we get mint stocks, we will let you know!

UPDATE 12 JUNE: I'm pleased to say that our letters arrived today (but the extra one is already reserved).

UPDATE 18 JUNE: The first of these (to my knowledge) has now appeared on eBay, closed 21 June at £51plus 53p postage - see here.

NCR Summer Robins stamps appear in the Cornish Riviera's Post and Go machines

Contrary to received wisdom - 'those who ought to know' had told us that only Machin and Spring Blooms Faststamps were available for NCR Self-Service machines, the MA13 Christmas Robins have made a surprise appearance at Truro.

The NCR Post and Go machines were converted on 5 June 2014 so that the 97p stamp showed Euro 20g / World 10g, and the stamps available then are shown here.

Now, thanks to Peter, we are able to show that the MA13 Robins stamps are also available in Truro's machine 69:

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Post and Go: York and Korea

Earlier posts have outlined the 2014 Post and Go Roadshow programme (see here)  We will not be going to York or Korea but I am trying to make arrangements to get a limited supply of material from both shows.

Kiosks A003 and A004, previously at Stampex, will be present dispensing Machin and Union Flag stamps.  As usual, we cannot tell beforehand whether these will be undated, MA13 or even MA14.  What is certain is that they will have the new 60g values, and the 97p stamp will have the dual inscription Euro 20g /World 10g

We will not be able to get stamps on the opening day, only Saturday, so will only supply mint, not FDC.

The Collectors Sets will be 1st - 1st Large - E20/W10 - E60 - W20 - W60

New compared with Salisbury and Stampex are the E20/W10,  E60 and W60 stamps, so those who want a simple collection of one of each will only want these three values to add to their earlier strips.

If you would like any of these please email as soon as possible so that orders can be consolidated and arrangements made.

PHILAKOREA World Stamp Exhibition 7 - 12 August

Royal Mail A003 and A004 and Jersey J001 kiosks will be present with the 'Philakorea 2014/World Stamp Expo' caption being on Machin and Union Flag stamps from the Royal Mail machines and on Jersey Flag and Union Flag stamps from J001.  These will have KR in the datastring.

Stamps with GB in the datastring will be available from Royal Mail Tallents House and with JE from Jersey Post's Philatelic Bureau via mail order.

We have tentative arrangements to obtain stamps from the exhibition with KR code but can take no more orders.
If you would like mint stamps from Korea please email (see top right) immediately and we will get what we can.
Collectors wanting the GB- or JE-coded stamps are advised to apply to the respective bureaux direct.

Some pictures from Korea - thanks Michael:

Monday 9 June 2014

News Update 9 June

Both the Royal Mail Philatelic Bulletin and the July edition of Stamp Magazine have news that we haven't seen before through the normal channels from Royal Mail.  If this were April I would not be surprised at some of the stories and we await with interest whatever detail Royal Mail chooses to share with us.

According to the Philatelic Bulletin:
A new pack of Post and Go stamps will be issued through NCR Self-Service terminals in Post Office branches and from Royal Mail Tallents House from 7 July.  The pack will contain 5 stamps with a total value of £3.78 (1L, 2L, 1LG, 2LG and A) and will have machine code C002.
It seems unlikely that these will be dispensed through NCR terminals.
 According to Stamp Magazine:
1. Self-adhesive stamps are to be printed with a security inscription on the entire backing paper from next year to deter forgers.  This will include special stamps as well as definitives in counter sheets, booklets, business sheets and coils.
Given the quality of the most recent 1st class red forgery this may only be a minor inconvenience to the forgers. Very few special stamps have been forged (some Christmas stamps seem to have been targeted), so it remains to be seen how the move will affect them.
 2. Horizon labels are to be redesigned with the head of Queen Elizabeth reduced in size and positioned at the top right, so as to leave space for the overprinted service and payment details.  They will no longer be gold in colour.  No date has been set for the introduction
We understand that the colour of the label will remain aproximately the same but that there will be no gold printing.  As the gold printing currently repeats the 'ROYALMAIL' text across the labels, it is possible that this will be in white on what will be pale brown labels.

Deja vu as the Estonian Post office unveils new international name

Remember Consignia, and how long that lasted?  News this week from Post and Parcel that Eesti Post has unveiled its new international name Omniva, which will be used for its logistics solutions and business operations in the Baltic domestic market. 

The name Eesti Post will be retained for post offices and the mail delivery service, and will be the legal name of the company in Estonia.

This summer Eesti Post will gradually introduce the Omniva trademark in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, illustrating the international character of the logistics company. Omniva will operate all of the company’s modern communication and logistics services.

The internationalisation of the company and enlargement of its domestic market from Estonia to Latvia and Lithuania have driven the need for the new trademark.

Chairman of the board Aavo Kärmas said, "The change is also needed because the brand name Eesti Post is strongly associated with postal services, which have been playing an ever-diminishing role in the company’s business over the last decade, and the name is not identified with the nature of contemporary communications and logistics solutions. Eesti Post has become an international logistics company in recent years, which is why a brand name connected only to the postal sector no longer fits with the company’s business strategy for the future."

The new name Omniva is derived from the Latin word omni, which means all-inclusive, all in one, everything. In this, the company is expressing its ability to offer customers all-in-one solutions. It is also very similar to the word omnivagus omniva word that means "wandering everywhere."

In 2001 Royal Mail was renamed Consignia plc in 2001 and the new name was intended to show that the company did more than deliver mail, however, the change was very unpopular with both the public and employees. The Communication Workers Union boycotted the name, and the following year, it was announced that the company would be renamed Royal Mail Group plc.

Friday 6 June 2014

Visiting London - Vera Trinder shop closing 30 June 2014

Collectors who are planning to visit the Vera Trinder shop in Bedford Street, may not be aware that the shop will be closing on 30 June and the business relocating to the Prinz UK building in Hayle, Cornwall*.

The owners of the Bedford Street building are going to redevelop the site into offices - so no more trips to the Trinder Basement to browse through long-forgotten publications !

We wish the company well in their relocation, and good luck to the London staff who are not moving.

Vera Trinder Ltd, Unit 3a, Hayle Industrial Park, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 5JR
Tel: 01736 751910   E-mail:

Thursday 5 June 2014

Euro 20g / World 10g Faststamp comes to NCR machines

Just over a month after Post Office announced that the 97p Faststamp would be changed to show both Europe 20g and Worldwide 10g services, it happened today with no prior announcement - thanks guys!

But many thanks to the several people who tweeted, phoned and emailed about this.  Thanks to Brian for this picture of part of a collectors strip, this one from Nottingham.  Pete confirmed that Cambridge was also updated, but sadly no Spring Blooms left as they only lasted about a week.  Maybe there will be some elsewhere so that somebody can produce some first day covers of this new stamp - which may get a sub-number in Stanley Gibbons Concise*.

Machins now in stock - no collectors strips yet.

Thanks to Chris for the picture of the Spring Blooms from a machine at Wealdstone.

* Who would be a catalogue editor?  The 2014 GB Concise has entries for the Europe and Worldwide 60g stamps, but only for the Machin, Spring Blooms, and Union Flag stamps.  That only leaves the Robin, Freshwater Life, Farm Animals, and Birds to add :-)

Wednesday 4 June 2014

New retail booklets and business sheets at the end of July

Royal Mail will issue a complete set of retail booklets and business sheets on 31 July due to a change in EU rules over telephone after-sales service!

According to the Britannic Technologies blog:
From 13 June 2014 it will be against EU law to profit from calls to post-sales lines.  Premium rate, revenue-generating numbers can be used for general pre-sales lines as normal. 
Where a telephone helpline is provided, the basic rate requirement means not charging more than a geographic or mobile rate. This telephone number provided should not provide the trader with a contribution to their costs.

Because of this Royal Mail have changed the telephone numbers for their enquiry helpline from 0845 740 740 to 0345 740 740§.

New products will be
1st class book of 6
1st and 2nd class books of 12
1st and 2nd Large books of 4 *
1st and 2nd x 100 business sheets *
1st Large and 2nd Large x 50 business sheets

* These will appear with 2014 year codes for the first time, producing 4 new stamps with a specific date of issue.  We will produce a limited number of first day covers, so if you would like one please contact us in good time.

§ These may look quite similar, depending on the font used, so extra care will be needed when searching for the new books.

The 1st class book of 6 has been printed with M14L code and the old contact details, but we don't know of any findings yet.  We don't know whether the expected Commonwealth Games mixed booklet will have new telephone numbers.

The booklet of 6 x 1st with the old telephone number has appeared on eBay, and I have an example used from Sheffield on 20 June - any earlier dates would be useful to know!  No FDCs for this one.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Remembrance Poppy Post and Go Faststamp at Autumn Stampex

As previously mentioned on an unofficial website (and then removed) we can confirm that a Poppy Faststamp will be available at Autumn Stampex from 17 September 2014.  

A poppy will be included in the Symbolic Flowers set of six designs to be issued on the same day, but we understand that the Poppy will also be produced on single-design rolls.  From what we have seen the design on the Faststamp is very similar to that being issued as one of this year's Great War 1st class stamps to be issued on 28 July.

It will be available for Remembrance Day - and at some places is likely to be used in parallel with the Winter Greenery set of 6 due for issue on 13 November.

Royal Mail stands firm about impact of HS2 on operations

The Post and Parcel website reports that Royal Mail has raised objections to the route of the planned High Speed 2 rail route from London to Birmingham.

HS2, as the £43bn project is known, proposes a high-speed rail link between London’s Euston station and the city of Birmingham, with a second phase running up to Manchester and Leeds. Construction is planned to start in 2017, with the first phase open in 2026 and the second in 2032.

"The company said three major delivery offices covering a “very substantial” part of London would be subject of compulsory purchase orders, along with the Greenford Mail Centre in the London Borough of Ealing and the Castle Bromwich Delivery Office in Birmingham.

"The Greenford Parcel Sort Centre, a leased building, would also be affected by the rail project, and represents a key part of Royal Mail’s operations during the pre-Christmas peak parcel season, handling 15m parcels in November and December.

"Royal Mail said that without sufficient mitigation measures, it would not be able to carry out its statutory duty to deliver the mail if the HS2 project goes ahead in current form.

"The loss of the Camden Delivery Office to a compulsory purchase order would cause a particular headache, Royal Mail said, because similar sites 'are not generally available' in North London. Talks with the HS2 project managers are ongoing, Royal Mail said, but the mail company has failed to identify an alternative site, and said that it would not vacate its current delivery office unless an alternative site is found, even under a compulsory purchase order."

Sunday 1 June 2014

Updated list of Post Office branches with NCR Post and Go Machines

Thanks to John McCullum I can now provide this list of Post Offices with NCR machines, obtained from Post Office Ltd

From 'City of Bath' onwards the number of machines was not provided by POL.  Some I think we already know about, but others are new and details are awaited.

008033 Harpenden 9 Station Road Harpenden AL5 4AA 2 Hertfordshire
005226 Kettering 17 Lower Street Kettering NN16 8AA 2 Northamptonshire
004134 Leighton Buzzard 7 - 9 Church Square Leighton Buzzard LU7 1AA 2 Bedfordshire
013002 Kingsland High Street 118 - 120 Kingsland High Street London E8 2NX 2 Greater London
003210 Grantham 18 - 20 St Peters Hill Grantham NG31 6AA 2 Lincolnshire
013004 Muswell Hill 420 Muswell Hill Broadway London N10 1DQ 2 Greater London
025007 Sydenham 44 Sydenham Road London SE26 5QX 2 Greater London
037005 Hoddesdon 72 High Street Hoddesdon EN11 8HB 2 Hertfordshire
009340 Rotherham 3-5 Bridgegate Rotherham S60 1PJ 2 South Yorkshire
008523 Stroud 16 - 17 Russell Street Stroud GL5 3AA 3 Gloucestershire
015523 Cirencester Town Unit 1 The Old Post Office Castle Street Cirencester GL7 1QA 2 Gloucestershire
193002 Walthamstow Central 206 High Street Walthamstow E17 7JH 2 Greater London
023201 Harborne 85 High Street Harborne Birmingham B17 9ND 2 West Midlands
018002 Poplar 22 Market Square London E14 6AB 2 Greater London
004900 Camberley 15 Princess Way Camberley GU15 3SP 2 Surrey
005424 Oldham 3-5 Lord Street Oldham OL1 3HP 2 Lancashire
002006 Acton 23/29 King Street London W3 9LD 3 Greater London
012137 Banbury 57 - 58 High Street Banbury OX16 5LB 2 Oxfordshire
017937 Bognor Regis High Street Bognor Regis PO21 1RG 2 West Sussex
010941 Faversham East Street Faversham ME13 8AA 3 Kent
022511 Nailsea Crown Glass Place Nailsea Bristol BS48 1RA 2 City Of Bristol
030003 The City of London 12 Eastcheap London EC3M 1AJ 5 Greater London
008912 Haywards Heath 59-63 South Road Haywards Heath RH16 4LQ 2 West Sussex
002014 Dartford 19 Hythe Street Dartford DA1 1AB 3 Kent
005006 Paddington Quay Retail Unit 6 West End Quay 4 Praed Street London W2 1JX 3 Greater London
017907 Terminus Road 143 - 145 Terminus Road Eastbourne BN21 3NS 3 East Sussex
008113 Cambridge City 57 - 58 St Andrew Street Cambridge CB2 3BZ 3 Cambridgeshire
009432 Stockport 36-40 Great Underbank Stockport SK1 1QF 3 Cheshire
006504 Trowbridge 1a Roundastone Street Trowbridge BA14 8DA 2 Wiltshire
009306 Darley Street 38-40 Darley Street Bradford BD1 3HN 2 West Yorkshire
007311 Doncaster 24 Priory Place Doncaster DN1 1AA 3 South Yorkshire
002820 Dundee 4 Meadowside Dundee DD1 1AA 2 Angus
009246 Redditch Thread Needle House Alcester Street Redditch B98 8AB 2 Worcestershire
016020 Wealdstone 4 - 12 Headstone Drive Harrow HA3 5QL 2 Middlesex
007900 Farnham 107 West Street Farnham GU9 7PJ 2 Surrey
008124 Harlow 1 Stone Cross Harlow CM20 1AA 2 Essex
006007 London Bridge 19a Borough High Street London SE1 9SF 4 Greater London
009908 Worthing Counter Chapel Road Worthing BN11 1AA 2 West Sussex
006406 Bolton 124 Deansgate Bolton BL1 1AD 2 Lancashire
009420 Corn Exchange India Building Water Street Liverpool L2 0RR 3 Merseyside
019001 Battersea 202 Lavender Hill London SW11 1AB 2 Greater London
007941 Sittingbourne Central Avenue Sittingbourne ME10 4AA 3 Kent
011704 Belfast City 12 - 16 Bridge Street Belfast BT1 1LT 4 County Antrim
014004 North Finchley 751 High Road London N12 8LF 3 Greater London
005948 Tonbridge 5 Angel Walk Tonbridge TN9 1TJ 3 Kent
004112 Bury St Edmunds 17 - 18 Cornhill Bury St Edmunds IP33 1AA 3 Suffolk
008618 Hereford 14-15 St Peters Street Hereford HR1 2LE 3 Herefordshire
004904 Basingstoke 5 - 7 London Street Basingstoke RG21 7AB 3 Hampshire
009320 Halifax Commercial Street Halifax HX1 1AD 3 West Yorkshire
008539 St Andrews Cross 5 St Andrews Cross Plymouth PL1 1AB 3 Devon (4th kiosk due)
008844 Dunfermline 42 - 44 Queen Anne Street Dunfermline KY12 7AA 2 Fife
015504 City of Bath 27 Northgate Street Bath BA1 1AJ 5 Somerset
002313 Durham 33 Silver Street Durham DH1 3RE 2 County Durham
010242 Walsall Darwall Street Walsall WS1 1AA 2 West Midlands
021329 South Shields Keppel Street South Shields NE33 1AA 2 Tyne and Wear
014137 Oxford 102-104 St Aldates Oxford OX1 1ZZ 2 or 4 ?
011309 Darlington Crown Street Darlington DL1 1AB 4 County Durham
008005 Golders Green 879 Finchley Road London NW11 8RT
005946 Maidenhead 114 High Street Maidenhead SL6 1PT 2 Berkshire
002555 Truro High Cross Truro TR1 2AP
002004 Crouch End 28-29 Topsfield Parade London N8 8QB 2
031005 Barnet 63/65 High Street Barnet EN5 5UU
008434 Warrington Golden Square Warrington WA1 1QB
004003 Houndsditch 11 White Kennet Street London E1 7BS

007023 New Malden 150 High Street New Malden KT3 4ER 2 Surrey
028003 Old Street (205) 205 Old Street London EC1V 9QN 4
026003 Mount Pleasant Rosebery Avenue London EC1R 4SQ 2
020511 The Galleries Castle Gallery Bristol BS46 1RA 5
007227 Nottingham Queen Street Nottingham NG1 2BN 5 one less than W-N
009013 Croydon High Street (10) Croydon CR9 1HT 6 Surrey
015207 Derby City Babington Court Babbington Lane Derby DE1 1SD

016136 Lowestoft 51 London Road North Lowestoft NR32 1AA
012941 Maidstone Town 80 Bank Street Maidstone ME14 1SD
009614 Chester 2 St John Street Chester CH1 1AA
017230 Peterborough City 28-30 Cowgate Peterborough PE1 1NA
003227 Beeston ? 6A Chilwell Road Nottingham NG9 1AA
031002 South Woodford 139 George Lane London E18 1AL 2
016340 Sheffield City Wilkinsons Store 1st Floor Sheffield S1 2AX

013201 Birmingham 1 Pinfold Street Birmingham B2 4AA 9
019519 Barnstaple 339-40 Boutport Street Barnstaple EX31 1SB 2 Devon
003948 Five Ways 18 Grosvenor Road Tunbridge Wells TN1 2AD
009005 Hampstead 79-81 Hampstead High Street, Hampstead London NW3 1QL

013427 Chorley ? Cleveland Street Chorley PR7 1AW

010109 Milton Keynes Unit N1 Milton Keynes MK9 3QA 4 Buckinghamshire
012555 Penzance 113 Market Jew Street Penzance TR182LB 3 Cornwall

Also (from Trevor)
2 kiosks at Woking, Brentwood
3 kiosks at Liverpool (South), Wigan [but see comments]

Another later comment: "There are no kiosks at Woking or Brentwood, could I make a plea that when posting a go live date is given to save unnecessary visits"