This post will record Slogan Postmarks and other postmark news for
October 2019. It will be updated frequently so please look here when
you get a new one: we may already have had a report, and that will save
you scanning and emailing yours.
The first slogan for October is a carry over from September. The National Poetry Day slogan sent by JE. From Manchester Mail Centre on 28/09/2019 this is believed to be running until 2 October so I'll repeat it in a new post for October.
National Poetry
Day 2019
3rd October
The first slogan for October is a carry over from September. The National Poetry Day slogan sent by JE. From Manchester Mail Centre on 28/09/2019 this is believed to be running until 2 October so I'll repeat it in a new post for October.
Day 2019
3rd October
Thanks to RW for the other layout, from Gatwick Mail Centre on 27-09-2019

On the Gruffalo new issue thread some have bemoaned the fact that the (far more deserving) 50th Anniversary of Monty Python's Flying Circus has not been marked by stamps - well it has been marked by a postmark slogan. Thanks to JE and MB for sending examples. Here we have a poor example from the iLSM at Edinburgh Mail Centre and a much better example from the IMP at Preston (Lancashire and South Lakes) both dated 3 October 2019
50 Years of
Monty Python's
Flying Circus
Update 11 October:
We've seen examples of two new slogans, one on Stampboards and the other sent by RW.
The RIBA-Stirling Prize 2019 has been awarded to Goldsmith Street, Norwich.
Awarded annually to 'the UK's best new building' this year it is for
mass housing development for Norwich City Council. This one is from Medway Mail Centre probably on 8 October as it was on Stampboards on 9th, but I hope to have one from Norwich soon.
Goldsmith Street
Winner of the RIBA
Stirling Prize 2019

[Update] And, as promised, one from Norwich Mail Centre dated 09-10-2019

Update 18 December.
A late notification from GF is this Goldsmith Street slogan from Northern Ireland Mail Centre 09/10/92019. Nothing remarkable about it except that the Royal Mail logo section is in Welsh, and this was posted within and to an address in Northern Ireland. Normally the Welsh language would only be applied on mail addressed to Wales! Unusually this is the first one we've been sent in this format.

It doesn't look as if Goldsmith Street will get much more than its five
minutes of fame with the slogan, as RW has sent a scan of another one
with Norwich connections, marking the 60th anniversary of the
introduction of the Postcode. This very clear example is from Croydon Mail Centre dated 10 October.
The Postcode
is 60!

Thanks to KC for supplying the Postcode slogan in the other layout, this time from South East Anglia Mail Centre, also on 10/10/2019.

Update 19 October: Yet another October slogan, this time for the renamed Booker Prize for fiction. As some book critics have written, this year it is all about the judges' inability to stick to the rules, an inability which must have caught Royal Mail on the hop as they picked two joint winners, thus requiring Royal Mail to fit two names into their five-line slogan, as shown below. (And if mail centres could only maintain their equipment we might be able to read the slogans every time!) Thanks to IB for this example from Greenford/Windsor Mail centre 16/10/2019.
Margaret Atwood &
Bernardine Evaristo
Winners of the 2019
Booker Prize

UPDATE 30 October:
With the number of new slogans in October it has been a while since the default slogan has appeared, so thanks to BM for sending this example from Gatwick Mail Centre 22/10/2019 of
Royal Mail
supporting youth
mental health with
This is the one we will see most often outside other campaigns. Last Posting Dates and Post Early Christmas slogans should appear before we realise how close it is. Look out also for any uses of Universal machines during the Christmas period, industrial action by CWU members permitting.
UPDATE 1 November:
The final slogan for October gets November off to a flying start with the first slogan actually used on 31 October.
Thanks to BM we can kick off November with the annual campaign in aid of men's health, specifically prostate and testicular cancer and mental health - MOVEMBER! I think the campaign has a new slogan this year, as it is on their website and is replicated in the slogan. Our first example is from North & West Yorkshire on 31/10/2019
upon a time it wasn't necessary to show where a 'date correction' for
meter mail was applied because the post-town was on the meter, although they usually did if it was a Universal
machine-applied mark.
Now, when modern meters don't indicate the place of posting, neither do the corrections!
If you have any new slogans or any other interesting new postmarks, please send them by email for recording here.
Off topic and slightly tenuous, but a postal related quiz and a good mental workout
ReplyDeleteCan you name the United Kingdom postal code areas by abbreviation?
83/121 in the 15 mins!