Wednesday 30 March 2016

Royal Mail moving forward with IT solutions.

Press Release extract 30 March 2016

"Royal Mail today announces it has acquired Intersoft Systems and Programming Ltd (Intersoft*) a provider of delivery management software for international parcel shipments.

"The acquisition complements the purchases of data management and labelling provider NetDespatch and delivery software developer Storefeeder, further enhancing Royal Mail’s in-house IT capability. It underpins Royal Mail’s objective to provide customers with flexible, integrated, technologically advanced solutions that make shipping parcels easier."

* Not to be confused with any other company of a similar name: the first hit on Google was an Indonesian software company!

Sadly this in-house IT capability won't affect the problems at Tallents House, which continue although one correspondent wrote that they had been told that RM were taking steps to recruit and retain more customer services staff there. 

The latest comment on my earlier post about their problems raises some interesting points from the overseas perspective - waiting nearly an hour on the phone and paying in advance for stamps that don't arrive is more of a problem for them than for UK customers.


  1. you've underlined RETAIN. Do you not mean RETRAIN!!

    1. NO! Existing staff have been (re-)trained in the new system; new staff need to be Retained. I don't think I mis-heard what I was told.

    2. Another recent diasagreement for overseas collectors (and unannounced by RM as far as I can see) is the decision to charge the same price for FDCs wherever you live. Those sent to addresses outside the UK were lower because, as RM explained, these customers did not have to pay the VAT. Now it seems they do - can RM decide this off their own bat. A query to philatelic enquiries gave the usual bland reply: From the Shackleton stamp issue onwards we have standardised our prices for FDCs in line with all our other products, and as such will no longer be offering a different price for customers ordering from overseas.

    3. I suppose it's my fault for including the problems of overseas customers in this thread but it would be better to continue the discussion on TH set up in the original thread.

    4. Hi, guys.
      I have a question not on the topic. Do you know who is the manufacturer of Post & Go machies for royal mail?
      With Best Regards,


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