A press release was added to Royal Mail's media webpage yesterday (15 March) although it must have been sent to the press at least the day before, announcing the issue of the British Humanitarians set of stamps.
From Tuesday 15 March until Monday 21 March each of the humanitarians will be recognised by an individual postmark.As usual this means "mail delivered on ..." as we have examples of the Nicholas Winton slogan from Bristol on 14 March and the Sue Ryder slogan from Swindon on 15 March (2nd class, delivered next day!)
Nicholas Winton 1909 - 2015 royalmail.com/humanitarians
Sue Ryder 1924 - 2000 royalmail.com/humanitarians
[Update 18/3/16] Alternative layout from North West Midlands MC
John Boyd Orr 1880 - 1971 royalmail.com/humanitarians South Midlands MC 16-03-2016 (Update 17/3/16 - thanks Mike)
Eglantyne Jebb 1876-1928 royalmail.com/humanitarians - Both versions now supplied by John G, though neither very clear. Two different dates. Peterborough MC 16-03-2016 and Romford MC 17.03.16 (updated 21/3/16)
Joseph Rowntree 1836-1925 royalmail.com/humanitarians South East Anglia MC 18-03-2016
(Update 20/3/16 - thanks Mike M.)
Josephine Butler 1828-1906 royalmail.com/humanitarians Exeter MC 19-03-2016 (thanks to Robert1943)
We've already mentioned the ONE YOU slogan used in conjunction with a National Health Service campaign to get us to be fitter, or more healthy, but I'm repeating the earlier one here (South Midlands, 5 March 2016), together with the alternative layout (Gatwick 11 March 2016).
The One You postmark is not shown in a press release on the Royal Mail media webpage, and neither are any of these, in no particular order as we don't know the period of use.
Don't forget Mother's Day 06 March 2016 from North West Midlands on Thursday March 3rd, and from Mount Pleasant on Friday March 4th in the alternative layout without the zero preceding '6 March'.
The Happy St David's Day slogan was actually used at the end of February but is included here because the relevant day is 1st March. No idea whether this was used nationwide or only in Wales or only on mail addressed to Wales. This is apparently used from SE Wales MC, but could have been from Birmingham, the other location using the Child Rescue Alert slogan.
Dydd gwyl Dewi hapus 2016
Happy St David's Day 2016
March 3 was World Book Day, and this slogan was in widespread use. Shown is a SE Wales example, and the alternative layout from Mount Pleasant, both used on 2 March for mail delivered on the actual day.
The latest to arrive is for British Science Week, once again to 10 days extended from 11-20 March, and so running in partial parallel with the Humanitarians slogans. This one from Bristol Mail Centre 12 March.
British Science Week 11-20 March 2016
and one from South Midlands MC 14 March
Update 23 March - Happy Easter!
One format from Peterborough Mail Centre and the other from Lancashire and South Lakes, both 21 March.

Thanks to Trevor and members of Stampboards for the news and many images, Mike C, Mike M, John G and Robert1943 for the latest updates.
More will be added as the month continues.
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