UPDATE 11 July 2014: more Great War postmarks for 28 May have been added to the website today.
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News about British stamps - welcome to Norvic Philatelics' blog
News as we get it relies on what I find and what other people find, so please send your news! [email: ian@norphil.co.uk or wild1952@gmail.com
Tel: 08450 090939] Please do NOT send emails through our shop platform as we have to login there to see them and cannot see your email address. Visit Norvic Philatelics for background on stamp issues and postmarks from 2003-2018, and our web-shop for stamps, postal history, FDCs and postcards.
All basicimages of British stamps and postmarks are the Copyright of Royal Mail* reproduced here with permission. All enlargements or scans showing particular features are copyright Norvic Philatelics or other collectors. You may quote from the blog or website, if you acknowledge the source, including the original source and any name mentioned in our blog, for images. (*Contact Royal Mail's Intellectual Property Office for permission.)
Note: We will only accept guest blog posts on philatelic subjects.
Some Bristol Postcards
Black Boy Hill, the upper part of Whiteladies Road, was named after the
Black Boy Inn which stood on the hill until 1874. The Inn was named after
Happy St. David's Day
Dydd GΕ΅yl Dewi Hapus.
[image: A postbox topper with St. David on]
February has ended and has brought to a close another International
Correspondence Writi...
cddstamps is back writing.... :-)
Hello, Sometimes we just forget how fast the days and weeks and months go
by. These past 6 months have been a blurr in many ways. But I am still
New King Charles III Horizon Labels
Today 31st July 2023 is the last day of validity for the old style Machins
without a barcode. So it is now an official fact and a sad day. It is also
More about Horizon labels
It has taken a while but I think I now have a reasonably good idea of the
development of these labels. Much of the information I gleaned from Postage
I Focus... On the 1d Yellow Ochre (Part 2)
In my previous blog post I launched a new series focusing on the life and
times of the 1d yellow ochre Machin head stamp. In that blog I discovered
the su...
Worldwide New Issues Week 05 2018 - Part VI
*10 FEB 2018*
(US$1 = € 0.809)
Italian Vocalists
(US$1 = U$ 28.368)
Year of the Dog
*11 FEB 2018*
New Blog!
I have created a new blog covering postmarks of everything except
Lithuania. Check it out if you are interested!
The End of a Stamp Collection
I am selling my life-long collection of stamps from Denmark.
It's an odd-- and totally unexpected-- thing for me to be writing. After
all, I had expected I...
Millennium 16 : CN Tower
*[This post is another in a series profiling each of the 68 stamps issued
by Canada Post Corporation on September 15, 1999 on the occasion of the new
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