Contrary to received wisdom - 'those who ought to know' had told us that only Machin and Spring Blooms Faststamps were available for NCR Self-Service machines, the MA13 Christmas Robins have made a surprise appearance at Truro.
The NCR Post and Go machines were converted on 5 June 2014 so that the 97p stamp showed Euro 20g / World 10g, and the stamps available then are shown here.
Now, thanks to Peter, we are able to show that the MA13 Robins stamps are also available in Truro's machine 69:
2692. 🇸🇬 Singapore Features Kebaya Costumes.
*New issues *-
🇸🇬 *Singapore Post *-
4 April 2025 - ‘Multinational inscription of Kebaya on UNESCO’ - Kebaya
(traditional blouse-dress combination...
well well Truro again, I would not be surprised if this is the only location these will appear from.
ReplyDeleteAs a number of NCR machines were touted as being in service by last December, RM could have taken the view that a number of roll should be produced with the NCR sized cores. Had theses been from any office other than Truro, we would have accepted them without question, but because of the oddities which surfaced with the birds 3 labels that came from that office we assume mischief is afoot.
ReplyDeleteWe can’t also rule out that in an attempt to reduce waste and costs, it was considered wiser to re-manufacture the rolls of recent printing to the new core size.
If they turn up in another office outside of Cornwall & Devon we will have our answer, if no more examples turn up then the suspicion of strange goings on at Truro will persist.
Truro PO tried to order Union Flag stamps for the NCR machines as an alternative to Machins and was unsuccessful. So they ordered Robins which were delivered last week. Whether they turn up anywhere else will depend on whether any other offices order them.
DeletePerhaps some of the doubters could persuade their nearest friendly NCR office to try as well ?
I asked the people at the Cambridge office if they could order the Robins or Flag stamps and was informed that the system does not allow specific printings to be ordered
DeleteI can only tell you what the people at Truro did. Until I go to Lowestoft and see at first hand, I rely on reports of others.
DeleteSo now we have sheet from London Bridge on ebay.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet we also had a report that all London Bridge machines were dispensing Spring Blooms today (13th)
DeleteThe only ones I can find with a simple search are from Truro. Perhaps you could supply eBay item number ?
DeleteI think this comment should have been sheep not sheet, it makes more sense .
DeleteSpring Flowers with Europe 20g and Worldwide 10g from Halifax, Dundee and London Bridge are now for sale on Ebay.
DeleteIt appears that the NCR issued sheep were from London Bridge and bought on 13 June.
DeleteeBay item number: 390870890489 & eBay item number: 261513716104
Thank you. I find it highly implausible that London Bridge were able to obtain these, rolled for the NCR machines, from Swindon. I suspect some local re-winding onto a pre-used NCR core.
DeleteI agree with your assessment of the issue of these sheep ncr stamps. This must be something that the PO should investigate, it is fraud or very close to it.
DeleteAs for the people buying these they should realise that these have no philatelic value and I would imagine no reputable dealer would touch them if they wished to sell at a later date.
As for the person currently selling them they are doing a good job in destroying philately.
London Bridge has also tried to order Robins today, see what happens.
ReplyDeleteAny Robins at London Bridge yet? Or anywhere?
DeleteFriday or Sat 27th would be the day that the order should arrive.
ReplyDeleteJust to balance the previous comment, surely it makes sense to use up the old stock rather than waste it?. As long as people aren't being duped by unscrupulous NCR machine minders in cahoots with (or even being) e-bay sellers then I dont see what the problem is. Isn't it all part of the thrill of the chase, getting something different for your collection (although not at the prices being asked !!!) Eventually I suspect that a second class roll of machins will be put in the first class side (or 1st/Flags/Robins/pictorials in the 2nd class side) of an NCR machine in a genuine error (unless its physically impossible due to core sizes). Thats why I try and by a first and second class stamp from every NCR machine I happen across, just in case!!!!