Wednesday, 18 March 2015

New BFPS Cover: RAF Leuchars transfers to the Army

RAF Leuchars in Fife, Scotland will be formally handed over to the British Army on the 31หขแต—
March 2015. The base will be re-named “Leuchars Station” and will become home to a variety of military units. In recognition of this historic occasion the Forces Philatelic Bureau will be publishing a special commemorative cover.

The cover carries a stunning aerial photograph of Leuchars taken by Drew Dudgeon superimposed with the Station crest and the cap badges of the four main military units that will occupy the site.  This issue will include a limited edition of the cover signed by the RAF Station Commander, Wg Cdr Neville Clayton, and the incoming Commanding Officer of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, Lt Col Ben Cattermole MBE. All versions will bear the unique BFPS 3183 special handstamp.

Lt Col Graham Meacher, Managing Director of the British Forces Philatelic Service, said “It is fitting that BFPS should commemorate this handover by issuing a special cover. Leuchars has played a major role within the Armed Forces in general and the local area in particular and will continue to do so with this change of use.”

The covers may be purchased from the BFPS online shop ( They will cost just £6 for the unsigned version and £12 for the signed version (UK/BFPO postage and packing free). They are available to order now on a strictly first-come-first-served basis. The covers are also available by post by sending a cheque (payable to ‘BFPS CIC’) to BFPS The Old Post Office, Links Place, Elie, Fife, KY9 1AX Scotland.

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