Tuesday 15 April 2014

Updated list of Machin definitives issued in 2014 - new counter sheet stamps

I can now show pictures of some of the new counter sheet Machin definitives which have been added to the shop today.

The 10p, 20p and £1 values with M14L code, the first two from cylinders D2, the £1 from D1, are in stock. The 1st class and 1st Large counter sheets are expected soon.  Also added to the shop today are the 1st class from booklets of 12 and the 2nd class Large business sheet.

10p sheet

Close-ups of 10p, 20p and £1.
Printing dates 07/03/14, 14/03/14 and 10/03/14

Close ups of 1st class and 1st class Large (added 17 April)
Printing dates are 17/03/4 and 18/03/14 respectively

Machins first issued or discovered in 2014  - 20 so far !

2931R.2W - 2nd class coil 10,000 printed by Walsall - M12L MRIL

4002P.3E - 2p From Classic Locomotives of the UK prestige stamp book M13L MPIL
4005P.3F - 5p ditto.  4005P.3E was in the Merchant Navy PSB with inverted perforations

2911.4 - 2nd class counter sheet

3081 - 81p holly green
3097 - 97p purple heather
3147 -  £1.47 dove grey
3215 -  £2.15 marine turquoise

2913B.4 - 2nd class Large business sheet MBIL
2936.4  - 1st class red MTIL from booklet of 12

4010P.4 -  10p MPIL from Buckingham Palace PSB
4020P.4  - 20p  MPIL from Buckingham Palace PSB
4100P.4  -  £1 MPIL from Buckingham Palace PSB
2936C.4  - 1st class MCIL from Buckingham Palace mixed retail booklet

3010.4  -  10p M14L/MAIL from counter sheet
3020.4  -  20p M14L/MAIL from counter sheet
3101.4  -  £1 wood-brown M14L/MAIL from counter sheet

(3128.4) - £1.28 M14L/MAIL green from counter sheet
2914.4 - 1st  M14L/MAIL class counter sheet
2916.4 - 1st Large M14L/MAIL counter sheet


  1. there exists also a £1.28 from counter sheet with M14L.

    1. Thank you, I am aware that it has been seen but don't have any source of these yet.

  2. Super Stamp Man15 April 2014 at 13:12

    Hello, I have just picked up a sheet of the 20p stamp with the security inscription inverted. I did check stocks to see if any more but sadly to no avail. Would be interested to hear if any more discovered yet.

    1. Well, Super Stamp Man, which 20p is that ?

  3. I think that you should perhaps describe the 10p, 20p and £1 as M14L to be consistent with the £1.28. (Or, of couse, describe the £1.28 as MAIL to be consistent with the 10p, 20p and £1)

  4. Super Stamp Man15 April 2014 at 19:02

    The new 20p stamp, I have ten sheets . I specialise in the 1p crimson issue and have these in up to multiples of six including some Cylinder pieces.

    1. Very interesting; perhaps you could provide a picture for everybody to see (ian@norphil.co.uk); what sheet numbers are they?

  5. My son showed me a sheet of the 10p which he bought in Lewisham yesterday afternoon. The printing is also inverted. Told him to hang on to this until I find out how many sheets are out there. Will get him to make a scan and send in. Thanks, Desmond.

    1. Thank you Desmond - as well as a picture showing the invert it would be useful to know the printing date and sheet number - many thanks!

    2. What is actually inverted? Are you saying that the 10p sheet inverted is in addition to the 20p sheets?

    3. My son has gone ahead and sold the sheet to a well known stamp error dealer. I did tell him not to be so hasty! Desmond

  6. Sweet Jamaican Baby24 April 2014 at 15:46

    I have sheet of 10p wording invert. Been offered £500, wanted £600 if any readers interest

    1. If I had just brought a sheet of 10p for £2.50 and was offered £500.00 I know what I would have done. TAKEN IT! These sheets are new and others appear to have found them so there could be a lot of them. I agree with Ian’s comments that this is all looking a bit suspect and I do wonder if these do actually exist.

  7. Well, well. None of the 'well known stamp error dealers' and Machin specialists who have been contacted about the 10p or 20p inverts know anything about them.

    Nobody with any technical knowledge of the printing process can understand how it can happen, aside from some really imaginative suggestions, which are unlikely to be true.

    Neither Super Stamp Man nor Desmond was able to provide us with the printing date, sheet numbers or better still a picture. Maybe Sweet Jamaican Baby can?

    In the absence of any proof, other dealers are very sceptical about the existence of these and think I am being spun a yarn. Perhaps somebody can prove otherwise?

  8. I agree Ian, I was very keen to see these. I doubt they exist and would love to be proved wrong.

  9. Counter sheet 2nd class. Obtained from Leicester Square, London. Year Code=14 printing date 23/01/14
    Doug (Enfield)
