Wednesday 11 June 2014

Surprise new 1st class M13L coil found

Investor alert!  No this is not about investing in stamps but a call to those who invested in Royal Mail shares.  One of our correspondents reports receiving a communication from Equiniti about the share dividend, with an unexpected new stamp:

Yes, it's the 1st class MRIL coil with M13L code.  The previous red coil stamp distributed with the palette change issue (3 January 2013) was coded MA12.  This new stamp is numbered 2914R.3 in our system.  If we get mint stocks, we will let you know!

UPDATE 12 JUNE: I'm pleased to say that our letters arrived today (but the extra one is already reserved).

UPDATE 18 JUNE: The first of these (to my knowledge) has now appeared on eBay, closed 21 June at £51plus 53p postage - see here.


  1. Got one yesterday, been looking for a mint one, no luck as yet.

  2. A footnote to my last comment. 90% of the mail I receive is un-franked, why couldn't this one?

    1. In many cases of direct mail use the 'postmark' is applied at the mailing house at the same time as the address is printed. Of course this doesn't apply to window envelopes!

    2. Hi Ian
      Your 1st class coil 2013, if that's not a fake I think it is a Walsall print it has wide tab gaps and a rounded tip which is like the 2012 2nd class print which they did for DLR, this may be the same

  3. One on Ebay now, presumably the same one you mention Ian, at £46.50. Item number is 360961993451.


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