Friday 18 September 2020

No Stampex: New Royal Mail September 2020 Stocklist Available Online

Earlier this week we received the autumn Stock List from Royal Mail Stamps & Collectibles (now far more collectibles than stamps).  At the time it hadn't been added to their website, but I am pleased to say that it is now there, so if you previously picked up a copy at Stampex, you can now read it online here.

If you still collect new stamps and haven't been able to get them from your post office during the current situation you will need to be aware of last day of sale dates.  For the 'Stamp Souvenirs' these are very short dates, but these are unaddressed FDCs in effect, so you probably got something at the time.

Most stamp products have long dates or WSL = While Stocks Last, but the following are noteworthy, get them now if you want them:

Royal Navy Ships, Cricket World Cup MSs, go off sale on 31.12.2020 


Also of note, if you didn't notice before, and I may not have mentioned it, is the print quantities for Press Sheets of miniature sheets - 

Marvel - 1000

Star Wars and Queen - 500

The Gruffalo and Palace of Westminster - 300

I think demand for these - like most other products - has dropped since they were first produced.

Page 8 has a number of 'Bundles' - groups of products sold at a discount from the original prices.  These nearly always include some premium products for fans, and it's arguable that this provides some indication of which have been worthwhile and which were spurned by fans.

All Machin and country definitives, including booklets are available indefinitely - or at least while stocks last.

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