Wednesday 16 September 2020

International Mis-sorts show the importance of correct addressing

A correspondent in Ukraine has sent examples of three recent covers received from UK eBay sellers that went the wrong way round.  They are a great example of modern postal history and serve to emphasise the importance of correct addressing to ensure proper and timely delivery.

These aren't all recent: the first is from 2014, and is properly paid at 97p - the value of the 1st class is 62p.  The address doesn't include the country name but the international abbreviation UA.  This is wrong at any time but in December it's a risky time!

Note there are no instructional marks on this, the stamps were uncancelled in Britain, and have received Buffalo NY ink-jet machine (Bambi) and handstruck postmarks.  (Incidentally these show that US postmarks don't produce good collectable stamps either!)

The second was sent from Tyneside in January 2017 and is 1p overpaid at £1.06.  Again the UA element of the address saw it sent to the USA, where it receives a 'Return to sender' mark with the inscription



The most recent one is from March 2020 just before the pandemic put a stop or delay to so much international post.  This is paid at £1.60 the Europe up to 100g rate, and has been properly cancelled in North & West Yorkshire mail centre.  But again the address lacks the name of the country and it has been sent across the atlantic.  There it again ended up in Buffalo NY and receives a red mis-sort mark, and the manuscript endorsements 'Foreign' and 'Ukraine'.  It's not possible to say whether the 'Ukraine' was added by Royal Mail if it was returned to the UK, or whether it was sent direct to Ukraine when somebody in the USPS worked out where it should be.

NIXIE DESK              


The postcode in Ukraine written on the letters is 14005.  In the USA this is a location about 50 miles from Buffalo which I assume is the main processing centre.

Nixie desk - a 'Nixie' is an undeliverable item, which would have been diverted to a special office for investigation and forwarding or return.

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