Tuesday 9 July 2019

July Postmark Slogans

This post will record all postmark slogans used during July 2019, and some other news about postmarks.   As has been the custom for some years, July kicks off with Royal Mail's campaign to raise awareness of the problems that dogs might cause for their postmen and women.

Thanks to JG for sending this example from South East Wales mail centre on 06/07/2019I'll have the other layout later this week.  Alternative three-line layout from Peterborough on 08-07-2019 is now shown below, along with an Australian slogan on the same subject from the South Western Letter Facility on 21.06.19

8 - 14 July 2019


Secure your dog for safe delivery

Previous campaigns were reported here: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014.

As usual, other slogans used in July will be added here as reported.

A number of images of new slogans have been sent while we have been away.
JE Reports: The Open Golf slogan was used on 13 and 15 July only, then the Cricket World Cup from 16 July. A slogan for the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing was planned for 19 and 20 July, but was cancelled at the last minute; it was not used in iLSMs at all, but a few items were cancelled at one or more Mail Centres which have IMPs. The only case I am sure of is Leeds.
UPDATE 23 July

In a sporting summer, Royal Mail have chosen to mark two events, so far.

a. Golf's Open Championship at Portrush, Northern Ireland.  This was, as JE wrote (above) for Saturday 13 and Monday 15 July - although we also have an example on Friday 12th from Peterborough Mail Centre.  The other layout shown is from the IMP at Lancashire and South Lakes (Preston) on 15th.

The 148th Open
Royal Portrush
Golf Club
Northern Ireland
14 - 21 July 2019

b. The ICC Cricket World Cup, played at various grounds in England and Wales, was one by the England team only just over a week ago, but so much has happened since then that it seems an age!  The England men's team therefore joins the women who won their tournament two years ago.  As the men have won, Royal Mail have decided to issue a miniature sheet of four stamps - and at the same time there will be one for the women.  Not wrong, but shouldn't it have been done two years ago?

Anyway although the Golf Open championship ran from 14-21 July and one might have expected the slogan to run on, it was interrupted by a special marking England's Cricket win.  We've got examples on 16th from Edinburgh iLSM, reversed from Southampton, Portsmouth & IOW IMP, and Lancashire & South Lakes IMP; and on 17th from Tyneside, a poor example on a PPI cover which shouldn't have one anyway!

ICC Cricket
World Cup
And so to the Moon Landing anniversary.  On, then off, and then used in machines which Royal Mail didn't acknowledge that they would be, and two different layouts.  The first one shown here is from the Jubilee Mail Centre iLSM in four lines, and then from North & West Yorkshire's IMP over five lines.

"One giant leap for
50th anniversary of
the first mood landing

As I mentioned before, The British Postmark Society is keen to have a complete record of this usage, so if anybody else gets any of any slogan, please let me know, with scans, to the usual email address.  Thank you.

Universal machines
I've also received another example of a non-ink-jet postmark, the Universal from Lerwick used on 6 July 2019.  The date and time are clear, but are raised above the outer ring, so the place cannot be read!

1 comment:

  1. A new Postmark and decorated post box.

    It’s nice to decorated post boxes they give an information boost to us all. I wonder how many of the A-Z batch from 2015 https://blog.norphil.co.uk/2015/06/stamps-to-feature-on-50-postboxes.html still have the plaques on them?


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