The slogan postmark month started today with this example supplied by JG, for World Book Day which this year is a month earlier than last!
7 MARCH 2019
Oh, and here's a story about Royal Mail's author-posties.
UPDATE 8 March.
Royal Mail have announced on Twitter that there was a special slogan postmark for World Women's Day, which should be landing on doormats today (but not ours!). This is the publicity mock-up.
Women's Day
08 March 2019

UPDATE 12 March:
Thanks to MB for this example of a real postmark from North West Midlands on 7 March 2019.

Also for this example of the World Book Day slogan from the other type of machine used in North West Midlands on 5 March 2019.

And the next is for British Science Week used at Edinburgh Mail Centre on 8 March 2019.
8 - 17

UPDATE 20 March. Thanks to JG for this example of the British Science Week from the IMP machine at Lancashire & South Lakes MC on 15 March.

No sooner had I published this than our post arrived, with a similar example from Chester MC, but used after the end of the 'week' on Monday 18th March!

That seems to be running on the one type of machine while RED NOSE DAY is running on the others. Again, MB sent these examples, one at North West Midlands on 9 March 2019 and the other also NW Midlands (but without the 'Delivered by' portion) on 10th printed over British Science Week from Edinburgh. (Can't replicate the layout but the text is here for search purposes.)
It seems I was wrong about which slogans were in which machines, as today's post brought two different versions of the Red Nose slogan. The format previously shown is from Sheffield on 12 March, and the new version is from Exeter on 11 March. See also second Br Science Week example. I wonder how they decided what to use where?
UPDATE 20 March: JG has also sent the latest slogan, for World Water Day. This is from South Midlands Mail Centre (although unclear it originated in Leicester) on 19 March
22 March 2019
UPDATE 8 April: MM has a lot of mail from Tyneside MC on 26 March which provides us with a useful source of slogans. The latest batch includes a use of 'Stay Well' which may be considered late, but then it's not too late for snow even if today's forecast for Norfolk suggests temperatures up to 18/19ºC! The original campaign was in December with some usage in January.
This is followed by Mother's Day 31 March used on Thursday 28 March:
Don't forget:
Mother's Day
Sunday 31
March 2019
The next one is in the April slogans post.
More will be added here when reported to or, more rarely, received by us.
Meanwhile, I've added some more 2019 usage of Universal-type machines to the January list. Two are unidentified so far - can you identify them?
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