Friday 8 March 2019

Another decorated postbox, in London, for Comic Relief

In the run up to Comic Relief Red Nose Day on 15 March, Royal Mail has unveiled a special edition ‘laughing’ postbox, which responds to posted mail with a variety of jokes from stand-up comedian Hal Cruttenden.

The postbox is situated on Langham Place, close to Broadcasting House. It will be in place from 8 March until 22 March 2019.

"There will also be a special Red Nose Day postmark that we will be distributing across stamped UK mail, driving awareness in the lead up to the Red Nose Day 2019 programme which will be broadcast live on BBC One on Friday 15 March. "

Unfortunately it doesn't say the start date, but look out for it tomorrow (9th).  [See Slogan Postmarks]


  1. the Details are here

  2. Not a philatelic comment, but if it responds to ANYthing being inserted, I can imagine that this postbox will rapidly fill up with empty crisp packets, misellaneous leaflets, and other general litter.


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