Saturday, 13 October 2018

Office closure 13-22 October 2018

Our office is closed from 13-22 October but the web shop will remain open. 

All new Machin definitives that we have been able to obtain have been made available, but stocks of some, particularly blocks, are low.  If you wish to buy any recent additions which are shown as out of stock, please buy what you can, choose the 'pay by cheque' option, and email us with your further needs.  That will ensure that what IS available is reserved for you.  We will endeavour to obtain the remainder when we are back in the office.

We will process all new orders as quickly as we can, and post as many as are ready by Friday 26th. 

UPDATE:  Day 1 of our return will be devoted mainly to domestic and business administration and catch-up.  If you have placed an order on the shop since 12 October, thank you - yours is one of 35 orders awaiting processing, and some of you have also written to ask for 'out of stock' items to be added.  When we have opened the three packages that arrived from Royal Mail last week we will have a better idea of what we can fill (but one of these will be the Christmas stamps).   Meanwhile, thank you for your continued patience and for those of you on school half-term this week, enjoy it while you can: this glorious weather can't continue!  Last week on the Isle of Wight it was only 7ยบ cooler than a month ago in Mallorca!

1 comment:

  1. I checked your list of Machins in 2018 to make sure I was missing none...
    But, I have a 20p M18L in my collection and you have the same for sale
    listed as 3020.8
    I guess it just never quite made it to the list.
    Thank you for all the very useful blogs. You are my 1st port of call each day.


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