A Monday morning chuckle. I'm sure all of you, especially those who use social media such as Facebook and Twitter, have at some time been amused by suggestions that the software makes to you regarding your viewing habits.
Yesterday broadcaster Danny Baker reported that as he had mentioned Millwall FC several times, Twitter suggested he might like to follow West Ham United FC. I've turned off suggestions from Twitter because they continue to suggest foreign-language stamp-related users (I really don't have time to translate what they say, although I'm sure some of it is very interesting), and other newspapers and media outlets because I follow local radio.
And if you look at the adverts that appear alongside this blog you will often see something that you have been looking for, or something about stamps. That's because Google Ads - everybody sees something different - can be related to the cookies on your own computer, cookies generated when you search for your next holiday flight or replacement microwave.
If you own a website, especially one that shows in a prominent position on search-engine rankings, you often get spam email. Most of this is related to improving your visibility, and correcting errors in the code, but some is related to the content on the website, but not stamps. For many years we have been getting emails, several times a year, offering us woven military badges - this probably arises from the Army/Navy/Air Force Uniforms sets of stamps.
I had a new one today (twice) headed ATM Wincor NCR machine parts. It made me smile on a Monday morning, though I doubt that was the intention!
Anyway, if your Post Office's Post and Go machine keeps developing faults, you can at least tell them where they can get spares!
2661.🇬🇧 Royal Mail Commemorates Yet Another Veteran Music Act.
*New Issues *
*🇬🇧 **Royal Mail *-
18 February 2025 - Commemoration of the vintage popular Australian music
group, *AC/DC *- 8 stamps (4 se-tenant ...
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