I am pleased to say that having dealt with most of the Stampex orders I have now had time to add those products and other items to our webshop, where you can find them easily under the 'Recent Additions' banner. (Links below are to original blog posts.)
Post and Go items added:
Machin Anniversary inscription (Stampex)
Queen's Accession inscription (Stampex)
Mail by Rail (Stampex)
Guernsey Lighthouses (Stampex)
Isle of Man Triskelion
Machin and Union Flag machine M011 (Ministry of Defence Bristol)
First Day Covers:
Windsor Castle retail book self-adhesive special stamps.
Windsor Castle Machin definitives from retail and prestige books.
Machin definitives:
2nd class business sheet M16L with Type 2 Security Backing Paper
2nd class counter sheet M17L with plain backing paper
More will be added to the shop as soon as possible including the promised 'X' and 'Y' series Machins.
In the meantime our office will be closed from late Wednesday (1st) until next Monday 6 March.
2693. 🇬🇧 Monty Python, Mushrooms and Monopoly To Feature On Royal Mail
Stamps During 2025. Oh! And Peanuts.
*2025 New Issue Programmes.*
*🇬🇧 **Royal Mail *
Royal Mail has now released details of the remainder of its 2025 new issue
programme -
I take it t...
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