Friday 21 September 2012

Country definitives by Cartor...... and Wales 1st

Clearly the opportunity for first day covers for the remaining Cartor-printed country stamps is going to be very limited.  Following on from the England 2nd class (see previous post), we have now been told about the Wales 1st class (and a date new to us for the 87p).

Thanks to Stuart for these pictures:

The grid position for the England 2nd class is upper left ONLY, and that for the Wales 1st class is lower right only.  Logic says that the England 1st and Wales 2nd will occupy the other two positions.

UPDATE 15/11/12: A printing date of 10/07/12 is also reported for the England and Wales stamps.

This 87p was printed 02/07/12 which is new to me, although it may have been reported elsewhere.

1 comment:

  1. I can confirm the Welsh 1st class with black cylinder C1. This cylinder also prints the printing date which is the 10/07/12. The 2nd class England version should also exist with the black cylinder C1 and the 10/07/12 printing date.


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