Saturday 14 April 2012

1st class GOLD M12L Machin Stamp booklets

Well here's a turn up for the booklets!  Well spotted to Ian R who noticed this for sale on eBay. 

It's the 1st class gold from booklets with M12L code.  According to the seller the wrapper has a packing date of 22/12/2011.   It also exists from the same batch with a short phosphor band at the foot.  We don't have any stock yet.  My PO received a supply of Jubilee 12 x 1st this morning so the chances of getting any here seem very remote.


  1. Hi Ian!
    I purchases a book of 2nd class 12 with the 2012 M12L but no !st class gold available in Boston

  2. I can confirm packing dates of the 15/12/11, 20/12/11, 21/12/11 and 22/12/11 on the gold 12x1st class (M12L) books although not all in my area.


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