Sunday 23 May 2010

Golden Machin Horizon labels nationwide - update.

I still haven't received an example of the Gold Label from Wales, but the rest of the United Kingdom is catching up fast.

Label from London, the London 2010 Festvial of Stamps on the first day of use, 8 May 2010:

Label from Lower Castlereagh, Belfast on 1 May 2010:

Label from Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow 12 May 2010
Label used from Bassett Avenue sub-PO Bicester.  With no phosphor bands it was not machineable in the normal sense but still received a poor 'Thames Valley MC' machine postmark on 11 May 2010, and a census-diamond - all examples seen are like this to some extent.

Packet Label from Senghenydd, Wales, image kindly supplied by Kevin B.


  1. I appreciate your efforts in reporting this information for the world collectors. You have no doubt won the race by reporting it in the beginning, my thousand Hurras !!!!
    How could I order or request for a letter with this unique label, i.e. I can make payment through IRC if you kindly agree.Tks n regards.
    Y M Kakar,
    Philatelist and Freelance Philatelic Journalist,
    Pakistan Philatelic Society,
    P O Box-18,

  2. Mr Kakar

    Please email me direct on ian [at]

    so that I can reply to you direct.

    Thank you


  3. Dear Ian, it was very strange to see two Horizon labels stuck on a parcel coming from UK to Pakistan one used and the other pasted un-used ? Is that allowed or is that possible ?
    Y M Kakar,
    P O Box-18,

  4. It would be interesting to see a picture of this, please. And with your permission we'll put it on the blog.

  5. i work in a mailroom in australia and have three of these!!! thx britain!


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