Monday 15 June 2020

June 2020 slogan postmarks

May was a very quiet month as Royal Mail appear to have found it impossible to send the four UK national governments' messages on the pandemic in any meaningful way.  We had the run-over of Captain Tom's birthday, and a VE75 combined with Covid-19 postmark, before reverting to the Action for Children default.

However, half-way through June, I am pleased to say that MC has sent the first new slogan since then, marking Loneliness Awareness Week (15-21 June) 2020, under the slogan #LetsTalkLoneliness, used at North & West Yorkshire 13/06/2020.

WEEK  2020  


UPDATE 19 June: DB has sent this much better reversed example, from Manchester MC on 16/06/2020 - thanks!

UPDATE 18 June.
My thanks to JE for providing examples of the Manchester IMP slogan 13/06/2020 around the 'right' way - the one above being reversed on a square envelope - and from the iLSM machine in Edinburgh on 18-06-2020.

More slogans, and examples of other interesting postmarks, will be posted here. Thanks to everybody who sends material to show. We still aren't getting much post at all at present.


  1. What's the best method of envelope and type of stamp to maximise chances of getting these?

    1. Plain white c6 envelope, 2nd class stamp will show better than 1st class, but either will do.

      Still pot luck whether the letter will be postmarked at all.

  2. I just caught the end of an advert for the Let's talk loneliness - mentioned telephone, but no mention of getting in touch via letters :( Letters don't require you both to be available at the same moment for conversations to happen.


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