Friday 1 May 2020

First new counter sheet printings of 2020

Although we don't have any, so can't show them yet, I'm pleased to report the first new printings of counter sheet stamps this year.  These will be coded M20L.

This may not be the entirety of what was printed by Walsall Security Printers in early February, but the first two are the 1st class Large Signed For (priced now at £2.45) and the Special Delivery 500g (now £7.50).

These were printed on 03/02/20 and 04/02/20 respectively.

UPDATE 6 May 2020:
We now have copies of these two new stamps and so here are the pictures as promised.

Machin Defnitive Security Stamp 1st Large Signed For M20L reprint 03/02/20
1st Large Signed For Digitally adjusted to better show the M20L code, but only just.
Machin Defnitive Security Stamp Special Delivery 500g M20L reprint 04/02/20
Special Delivery 500g stamp reprinted with M20L code.
Norvic numbers for these are 2992.20 and 2986-20.


  1. I guess it's not too surprising that these would be the first to appear as they were the only two M19Ls that were missing from last year.

  2. Now I wonder if they will be M20L & issued to standing order customers from Tallents House?

    1. Yes they are M20L; but as they have already been printed by Walsall in 2018 not only won't hey be on Standing Order you won't be able to specify them, just as you haven't been able to specify years for DLR printings from 2009-2018.

    2. I wonder if they would have been on sale at the Royal Mail Stand at London 2020?

    3. I do find it frustrating that Royal Mail will not send these stamps to those who have a standing order set up for definitive stamps. It does leave me with the feeling 'what's the point of the standing order!'
      I also live out in the country and have no hope of these stamps arriving at the Post Office to buy. As you say we can't even specify them with Tallents House on an individual order.
      I do wonder why Royal Mail can't get their act together it is not that hard to achieve.
      Sorry Ian rant over and not directed at you.

    4. Royal Mail never intended that these variants would be regarded as different for anything other than operational reasons, ie to identify stamps causing problems.

      See my original report here


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