Tuesday 24 September 2019

Royal Mail's recommended posting dates for the festive season

OK, I'll stop dodging the issue, it's the recommended posting dates for Christmas, surface and airmail.

Royal Mail have now published their leaflet, available in all Post Offices, which show arrangements for Christmas.  The earliest of these is
  • All non-European destinations 'International Economy' (ie surface) except South Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore, USA, and Canada  - Saturday 5 October.

For very young people whose parents can't find an app, or who are encouraging their offspring to write, there are details of where to send a letter to Santa:

Anybody see anything slightly wrong with this: I understand it was produced by Post Office Ltd although both company logos appear.


  1. USA Stamps, although given the catalogue of errors this year from RM we should at least be grateful they've managed to get stamps on the envelope! Outsourced to a design company as all the in house expertise has gone perhaps?

  2. https://www.istockphoto.com/gb/photo/letter-to-santa-claus-gm183251306-14483021?irgwc=1&esource=AFF_IS_IR_SP_FreeImages_246195&asid=FreeImages&cid=IS&utm_medium=affiliate_SP&utm_source=FreeImages&utm_content=246195&clickid=QlDym5V7DxyJUEWwUx0Mo3E1Uknx04zTB2bmV40

  3. The stamps have been machine cancelled. Cant be Royal Mail then. Merry Christmas....gets coat and leaves :)


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