Monday 23 September 2019

Alice PPI Stamp in Wonderland Growth?

Readers interested in Postage Paid Impressions featuring real stamps will recall that Smyths Toys use the Alice in Wonderland stamp in their campaigns.

Last year PD sent an example which was "in a darker shade" than the year before:

This week GF has sent an example of the 2019 mailshot which uses the same stamp but measuring a much larger 39 mm square.  (I can't lay my hands on a Smyths one but HPB used one that was 25 mm square.

This actually looks to be the same size, so perhaps it is HPB that was wrong?  Whatever the case, the PPI is bigger than the original stamp which was 35 mm square.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just looking at an Alice PPI. No idea who it came from but the code is HQ 24436.

    My example is 35mm square


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