I will provide links to FDC producer websites when they have shown their covers for embargoed issues.
But because of our contract with Royal Mail we will not be publishing anything until we are permitted to by Royal Mail.
The person who has tried four times to reveal that detail on comments on other posts should know that and know that nothing is going to change. Thank you for your interest: I know the details, I have the pictures and have had for months.
Last Saturday morning a post office branch in the south of England showed the stamps that are due in October on their twitter feed. So much for embargoes!
I understand from Commonwealth Opinion Blog that they are also being offered for per-order on an internet auction site - and we all know which one that is.
"Royal Mail’s eminently silly policy of leaving the revelation of its new stamp designs to the last minute because some probably overpaid marketing department has advised that that is the best way to achieve maximum publicity for a new issue has come a cropper yet again. While loyal stamp dealers are embargoed from revealing the designs of new stamps which have already been sent out to them other sources usually let slip what it is to come some time before Royal Mail would want the revelation to be made.