The 1p and 10p counter sheets, and 2nd class business sheet with M19L code have been reported.
Both counter sheets were printed on 19/02/2019.
This suggests that there were several stamps printed in mid-February so we should look out for the other make-up values. The 10p and 2nd class have been found in Yorkshire.
Update 27 May: Andy P's comment -
"Last week (22/5/19) I received an order of various definitives from the Philatelic Bureau and the 1st SF/Large they supplied was M19L." Which is interesting as we dealers haven't heard about that one!
Update 2 June: Although I don't doubt that Andy has reported what he has seen, as we have not any any other evidence of this, nor photographic confirmation from Andy, I've scratched it for the time being. Others who have ordered reported receiving M17L from Tallents House, and I got M18L.
On the other hand Richard P has sent copies of the 100g Special Delivery with M19L printed on 26 March. (Pictures below the listing.)
In future I will only put details of new stamps on the blog if I have been sent a picture or a link to an online listing which shows a picture. All eBay sightings must be reported with an item number.
Full list of M19L stamps so far:
Counter Sheets
2911.9 2nd class - 25/02/19
2914a.9 1st class - 25/02/19
2913.9 2nd Large - 25/02/19
2916a.9 1st Large - 25/02/19
2985.9 100g Special Delivery - 26/03/19
3001.9 - 1p deep crimson, 19/02/19
3010.9 - 10p dull orange, 19/02/19- reported on both SBP2i and SBP2u
3020.9 - 20p green reprint, first on 19/02/19
3135 - £1.35 orchid mauve
3155.9 - £1.55 tuquoise-blue, reprint 14/02/9
3160 - £1.60 amber yellow
3230 - £2.30 gooseberry green
3280 - £2.80 spruce green
3345 - £3.45 dark pine green
3360 - £3.60 bright orange
2936aC.9 - 1st class MCIL from mixed booklets, Marvel Comics 14.3.1, Birds of Prey 4.4.19 with a further one due for D-Day on 5.6.19
Prestige Stamp Books
4002P.9 - 2p green from Queen Victoria Bicentenary book
4050P.9 - 50p dark slate from Queen Victoria Bicentenary book - although this is a new shade I have not given it an 'a' number, although I expect when it is listed by SG it will not have the same base number as in previous PSBs.
Business Sheets
2911B.9 - 2nd class blue, printed 05/02/19 on SBP2u
2913B.9 - 2nd Large blue, printed 06/02/19, reported to be on both SBP2u and SBP2i but not necessarily with that date.
UPDATE: Images of both 2nd class and 2nd class large business sheets.

100g Special Delivery

There will be no more comments or additions to this post,
any new sightings/reports will be on a new post.
U3031 2nd Blue Large MBIL M19L is also being offered on the same auction site.
ReplyDeleteThe 10p M19L 3010.9 printed on the 19/02/19 for sale on the internet auction site is on SBP2i. Another printing of this found in the Sussex area is on SBP2u also printed on the 19/02/19.
ReplyDeleteThanks Brian. I guess we've always known that SBP2u/i really doesn't matter to RM or the printers.
DeleteIt only shows to the collector that a new roll of paper was put on to the press mid way through the print run of the 10p stamp.
DeleteYou report a 2nd-class business sheet with year code M19L - please can you clarify whether it is a normal size 2nd-class BS or a 2nd-class Large BS.
ReplyDeleteThe emailed report said 2nd business sheet (MBIL) with backing paper PB-Ls.
DeleteI'm sure I found it at 233234421983 and it was the small, but I couoldn't find that when I looked yesterday :-(
It’s now under completed listing.
DeleteTo my knowledge only the 2nd-class Large (MBIL/M19L) business sheet has been reported and it exists on SBP2u and SBP2i.
DeleteDoes anyone have the link/item number for the 1p crimson M19L - I couldn't see it anywhere. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteLast week (22/5/19) I received an order of various definitives from the Philatelic Bureau and the 1st SF/Large they supplied was M19L.
Andy, can you send a picture that clearly shows the date please - if you have the printing date even better. Others have ordered since and got earlier years (17, 16!)
DeleteSurely if a 16 or 17 turned up, wrong stock code has been ordered or supplied. The new printings are Walsall....
The list seems to have several curious omissions of stamps that have been known for some time. For stamps from counter shets there are also £1.55, 1st, 1st large, 2nd and 2nd large.
ReplyDeleteFrom business sheets, as Trelantis has commented, there is also the 2nd large. For a current listing (at time of writing), just search that auction site for MBIL M19L.
Also, I too have been unable to find the 1p M19L on that website despite trying all the searches I can think of against both active and completed listings. I'm led to believe that this stamp does exist but I suspect that it may not have appeared on that auction website yet. I've not seen either the stamp or a scan myself.
Thank you, you are correct, I left out some of the stamps which had been reported a couple of months back. Well, I shall have to buck my 2019 ideas up now that I am not actually selling them!
DeleteI have also caught up with reports from the latest Bookmark journal of the MBPC to provide some more detail to the reports above, some of which were (briefly) shown as unconfirmed.
Minor addition to the list - the £1.60 exists with both SBP2i and SBP2u backing paper.
DeleteI think this stamp was originally supposed to be issued back in February but for some reason was held back by Royal Mail.
ReplyDeleteAnd we still didn't get the small SF in 2018 (or 2019 so far) so 2017 printing must have vastly exceeded immediate needs.