Sunday 2 June 2019

Machin news - June 2019

Due to confusion over what has and has not been seen or found recently I have decided that I will only put details of new stamps on the blog if I have been sent a picture or a link to an online listing which shows a picture.  All eBay sightings must be reported with an item number.  As with the reports of slogan postmarks, there will be one Machin posting per month, and this will be updated during the month.  So please check around the beginning of each month for that month's news.

The latest new stamp to be reported is the 100g Special Delivery printed on 26/03/19:

The latest addition to this year's Machin discoveries is the 2nd Large retail book of  4 which was on eBay but not now available.

What's really interesting is the different 2nd Large stamps that have been reprinted, whilst at Post Office branches 2nd Large stock is often three or four years old.

UPDATE 19 June
Two more new stamps are now in circulation.  The 1st class business sheet has been found in post office branches and the £1 brown counter sheet has been made available from Tallents House, so most registered dealers should have this soon.  (They should also have the 20p and Special Delivery 100gr which have been found locally but which are also now available from RM TH.)  My thanks to those who have pointed me to where the pictures are, which saved me using the microscope on my own!


UPDATE 20 June: I've also had a report that the £1 has been found in a Royal Mail delivery office which still sells stamps.  No news of any at Post Offices yet.

UPDATE 23 June:  I am pleased to say that the 1p sheet is now confirmed, as JV has sent me this picture of the only sheet he has so far seen.  


New Machin checklist

The Gibbons Concise catalogue has now arrived and our list has been updated, a new version is available for download at the usual dropbox link.

Meanwhile, we stand ready to receive your reports on more new finds, thank you!


  1. For the £1.60, print dates are 7/1/19 for SBP2i and 15/2/19 for SBP2u. There are photos at and

  2. U3032 2nd Large M19L MFIL now showing on eBay at 233252446206

  3. The 2nd class large MFIL are back on sale now Ian FYI

  4. The 4x2nd Large MFIL M19L is back on ebay as of this morning. Presumably supplies are intermittent?

  5. U3026 1st Scarlet MBIL M19L is now being offered on eBay ref 233261398994.

    1. Looks like the original offer for U3026 sold out almost as soon as I sent the info - now showing on 264367328321.

  6. The £1 M19L from counter sheets is now appearing on Ebay- along with a couple of other previously reported items. Item number 383013865335.

    Curious to have yet another reprint of the £1. It was reprinted twice last year. I think it is very unlikely you will find these in post offices. I may be wrong but I had always thought that post offices were unable to order stock of the £1 using the Horizon system.

  7. The £1 M19L from counter sheets is now on Ebay, eBay item number: 383015459531

    1. And dealers will have it as it is available from Tallents House. No more eBay numbers for things which we already know about, please.

  8. Hi Ian. Your Update dates might need a look at. You seem to be a month ahead in Norfolk from the rest of us!

  9. No E Bay code for the 1p Ian?

    1. No, the picture was sent to me by the person who had/has the sheet.

      If it ever was on ebay when first reported, I don't suppose it would be there after all this time. The four 2nd Large booklets were sold within hours, I know who sold them. They would have shown as sold, but it wouldn't have been possible to find them as live auctions.

  10. Thank you Ian they may appear again sometime.

  11. U2920 1p Maroon seems very elusive, not seen any for sale anywhere. Perhaps that is the only sheet printed this year Ha Ha


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