Monday, 31 July 2023

We've made the Last Post ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽต ๐ŸŽบ - for invalidated Machins and Country definitives.

We posted the last packet bearing now invalidated Machin and Counry definitives to a customer in Canada today.  I'm pleased to say that, together with the stamps on the cover, that meant almost 250 more stamps not going to Royal Mail's incinerator!

Stamps on an International Tracked letter to Canada posted on the last day of validity of Machin and Country definitives 31 July 2023.


This is by no means the end.  We will continue to sort the invalidated stamps until it seems that collectors have bought all they need to enhance their collections.  There will be some special offers, and some more unusual items.  For example, somewhere I have some of the Reader's Digest multi-value coils on or with the original card from RD.  Let me know if you are interested and I'll try to remember you when I find them.  There will also be some PSB panes which can look quite good on an album page.

The stock lists listed here will include many stamps, panes, booklets which are no longer available, Sorry, but we just haven't had time to keep the lists updated over the last few months.

So please send in your wants from our lists, and we'll let you know what we can supply.

UPDATE -in case you hadn't noticed a new surcharge rate has been slipped into Royal Mail's website. Rather than being treated as unpaid and being surcharged at £2.50, letters with non-barcoded definitive and country stamps will only be surcharged £1.10 - let us know your experience, especially if you have a surcharged letter with a mix of valid and invalid postage stamps on.

Examples of last day postings:

Two very clear postmarks from North and West Yorkshire on 31 July, one the packet stamp and one the British Heart Foundation slogan.

North and West Yorkshire packet handstamp 31JUL 2023

North & West Yorkshire British Heart Foundation slogan 31/07/2023

Colinton, Edinburgh counter date stamp 31.JL.23

Card sent from Dereham to Netherlands has 31 JY 23 counter datestamp and Norwich Mail Centre slogan. Delivered 5 August.


  1. The full size Alice in Wonderland Second Class appears to have now suddenly replaced non-barcode-Machin Second Class as the normal Digital Stamp.

  2. Yesterday I went into a post office with a small package with £3.49 postage on it which consisted of a £2.25 Christmas stamp and some older decimal special issues,no reused no forgeries just genuine stamps to be told I could not use them after 31st July!

    1. Do you want to ID the PO (privately by email if you wish) - I'll alert the PO team who will educate the branch - or all branches.

  3. My local post office also have the wrong message - anything with the queen's head but no bar code seems to be what they have understood. Fortunately I know them and was able to convince them that older commemoratives are indeed still valid. I think that what the post office should do is put a picture of each type of invalid stamp on a leaflet and send to branches. It would stop the confusion.

    1. I went in the next day with a leaflet about the swap out scheme so the employees could see for themselves what was still valid.I hope (!) they now know what to do in the future.We shall see.

  4. Went into Sub Post Office in the Wembley area this morning where a gentleman was arguing over the validity of the stamps on his letter he was trying to get post marked. Being told the stamps were invalid as the Queens head was on the commemorative stamps and there was no barcode. Tried to intervene, but staff were adamant they were not valid. Customer left in a huff, advised him to go to another Post Office. The Post Office urgently need to educate their staff about the validity of the stamps.

    1. Thanks Chris, one of several similar comments. I've alerted POL and told them they really do have a big knowledge gap in branches.

    2. Reply from POL > "Hi, I'm certainly sorry to hear this. I assure you that branches have received a number of updates on this topic over the last month or so as the deadline approached. I will certainly pass it on that further clarification could be helpful. - Tom"

  5. Same story here in Kent but at least they agreed to call some area manager who put them right.

  6. Also - does this mean if I stick a barcode 1st class plus the correct amount of invalid stamps, there won't be any surcharge?? :)


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