Monday 24 July 2023

April Rate Changes coming to Post & Go at last?

Back in April, postage tariffs were changed and the same rate (£2.20) now applies to letters worldwide up to 100g.  This should have been reflected in changes to the service inscriptions on Post and Go stamps, but comments on the 2023 Post and Go News post noted that this had not happened on 9 April, and by the end of May the Europe 100g / Worldwide 20g was still being dispensed.

In some ways this did not matter because the Worldwide 100g stamp is dispensed for the same price, but it suggests that Royal Mail have not regarded the Self-Service Kiosks in Post Offices, or the Museum IAR machines to be very important.

Museum Post and Go stamp with service indicator now obsolete

Thanks to contributor Chris, we now have the news that 

I have at last been informed (24/07/23) that the 'World 20g' will be removed at the next change that goes live on the kiosks. So hopefully this will be soon.  

Thanks Chris.

1 comment:

  1. Well the next update has occurred on 02/10/2023, and what a surprise, the collectors strip has not been updated.


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