Wednesday 9 November 2022

November 2022 slogan postmarks and other interesting postal markings

November started with continuation of the Swap-Out slogan which now seems to be the default, for obvious reasons.  If we get or anybody sends a copy of good impressions in November it will be posted here. 

The first new slogan for November is for Armistice Day, my thanks to JH for sending this reasonable example from Birmingham Mail Centre dated 08/11/2022

Lest We Forget.
Armistice Day

11 November 2022

Lest We Forget slogan used at Birmingham Mail Centre 08/11/2022

UPDATE 10 November: My thanks to the ever-reliable RW who has sent this version from Southampton (his Exeter ones are usually unusable, though1)

Lest We Forget slogan used at Southampton Portsmouth & IOW Mail Centre 08/11/2022

UPDATE 23 November:   Somebody at Exeter Mail Centre has found some ink!  Thanks to RW for this image which has been sent back from Hong Kong, showing a clear Lest We Forget slogan in the iLSM format for 10-11-22

Lest We Forget slogan used at Exeter Mail Centre 10-11-2022


UPDATE 15 November.  Royal Mail were quick to generate a slogan postmark to mark the success of the England cricketers' success over Pakistan in the T20 World Cup Final, announcing this slogan on social media at 1.30pm on Sunday.

Men's T20
World Cup Winners
13 November 2022

Royal Mail's social media feed showed this publicity picture at 1.30 on Final Day

My thanks to MM and AT for sending examples, both in a similar layout so far.  The five-line format from Jubilee Mail Centre and the four-line format from South Midlands Mail Centre on a c5 envelope with a PPI, so quite unnecessary!  This is being used from 14 to 17 November.

Men's Cricket T20 World Cup Winners slogan, Jubilee Mail Centre 14-11-2022

Men's Cricket T20 World Cup Winners slogan, South Midlands Mail Centre 14-11-2022

My thanks to JBS who has supplied the best image so far, surprisingly from Exeter Mail Centre!

Men's Cricket T20 World Cup Winners slogan, Exeter Mail Centre 14-11-2022

UPDATE 23 November: Thanks to JG who supplied this much clearer image from the IMP machine from the SE Wales Mail Centre dated 14/11/22

Men's Cricket T20 World Cup Winners slogan, SE Wales Mail Centre 14/11/2022


UPDATE 23 November:   The default 'Swap-Out' slogan has been used from time to time in November.  Here's a particularly clear example from Manchester's IMP machine dated 21/11/22 thanks to JG

Use non-barcoded stamps slogan used at Manchester Mail Centre 21/11/2012






I would expect a new Christmas-related slogan to appear before the end of the month.


My thanks to LT for sending this image of a letter posted at Ore Post Office in Sussex. It's another case of using up Machins (4 x 17p for 68p 2nd class), and with a very clear 'CONTINGENCY BRANCH 64' self-inking datestamp.

Contingency Branch 64 self-inking datestamp used at Ore, Sussex, 11 NOV 2022.



This is the place where all news about November postmarks - provided by readers or discovered by us - will be posted.  Please check back and refresh the page before sending anything which may have already been sent since you last looked: this will save you time scanning and writing.  Variants on postmarks already shown are also welcome.



  1. "Royal Mail's social media feed showed this publicity picture at 1.30 on Final Day" with the postmark extending over the barcode which isn't meant to happen !

    1. Yes, somebody should tell the marketing department!


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