Monday 9 May 2022

May slogan postmarks and other postmark news

Royal Mail continued use of the relevant slogan over from March, through April and into May

The slogan advertising the Disasters Emergency Committee's Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal which has been widely used since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  


The first May slogan is advertising Mental Health Awareness week, the slogan for which this year is #Ivebeenthere. Whilst this is clearly grammatically incorrect, punctuation marks break up hashstags, so #I'vebeenthere would simply translate on social media platforms as #I.

I've had two poor examples supplied so far (thanks to MM and LT).  This one from Sheffield Mail Centre is dated 06/05/2022

Mental Health
Awareness Week
9 - 15 May
Together we can
tackle loneliness

Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 slogan used at Sheffield Mail Centre 06/05/2022 #Ivebeenthere

Covid Heroes artists.

Last month we reported that according to the Royal Mail press release on the Heroes of the Pandemic stamps, "In addition, to mark their success, a special postmark will feature on stamped mail delivered to addresses nationwide. Each child will have their name included on their own congratulatory postmark over the coming weeks."  These may be used, or they may have been abandoned.  More news when we get it.

UPDATE 11 May 2022: Before Mental Health Awareness week is over, it is International Nurses Day, and thanks to LT for another slogan from Sheffield Mail Cente on 10/05/2022.

Nurses' Day
12 May


International Nurses' Day slogan postmark Sheffield Mail Centre 10/05/0222

UPDATE 3 June: this example of the other layout was given to me by a neighbour.  Norwich Mail Centre 09-05-2022

International Nurses' Day slogan postmark Norwich Mail Centre 09-05-0222


UPDATE 16 May 2022.  Continuing the medical theme, RL has sent this latest slogan from Mount Pleasant Mail Centre dated 14-05-2022 marking Dementia Action Week.  The dates aren't shown but the week runs from 16 - 22 May 2022.

It's not called getting old,
it's called getting ill.

Alzehimer's Society
Dementia Action Week

Dementia Action Week slogan, Mount Pleasant Mail Centre 14-05-2022

20 May:  KD (see below) also sent the 'other layout' of this slogan with 6 lines, from Birmingham Mail Centre 17/05/2022:

Dementia Action Week slogan, Birmingham Mail Centre 17/05/2022

UPDATE 20 May: Thanks to KD for yet another new slogan in May, this time marking 'Find Every Child Week'  highlighted by Missing People, "the only UK charity that reunites missing children and adults with their loved ones".  This example is from Medway Mail Centre 19-05-2022

Find Every Child Week
23rd - 30th May

Find Every Child Week slogan used at Medway Mail Centre 19-05-2022

UPDATE 3 June: Thanks to KD for the alternative format from South East Anglia Mail Centre 23/05/2022; another less clear example from N&W Yorks was also supplied but I have lost track of by whom - sorry!

Find Every Child Week slogan used at South East Anglia Mail Centre 23/05/2022

Update 4 June:  A surprise arrived in the post today, the reappearance of the Ukraine Appeal slogan, which could only have been for a few days between 'Missing People' and the Platinum Jubillee. This is from the Southampton Portsmouth & IOW mail centre on 26/05/2022.   

Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal slogan postmark Southampton Mail Centre 26/05/2022

PLATINUM JUBILEE: Another new slogan started on 28 May and will probably run over until next month; as there is no postal service on 2nd & 3rd June it may resume on 4th and 6th.  We will see: all reports welcome.

Her Majesty's
Platinum Jubilee
70 Years of Service
Thank you ma'am

Meanwhile thanks to several people for sending these examples from Exeter Mail Centre (poor as usual from there) on 28-05-2022, and the other format from Sheffield Mail Centre on the same date, and South East Anglia and Plymouth and Cornwall Mail Centres on 30/05/2022

Platinum Jubilee slogan postmark Exeter Mail Centre 28-05-2022

Platinum Jubilee slogan postmark Plymouth and Cornwall (Mail Centre) 30/05/2022

Platinum Jubilee slogan postmark South East Anglia Mail Centre 30/05/2022

Platinum Jubilee slogan postmark Sheffield Mail Centre 28/05/2022


LT has sent this example of a packet stamp from Sheffield Mail Centre with postcode S9 2XX dated 9 May 2002

Sheffield Mail Centre S9 2XX handstamp May 2022



This is the place where all news about May postmarks - provided by readers or discovered by us - will be posted.  Please check back and refresh the page before sending anything which may have already been sent since you last looked: this will save you time scanning and writing.  Variants on postmarks already shown are welcome.

It's interesting to note that alternative formats have not (by the end of the month) been provided for one of this month's slogans (and another is one that has been given to me by a friend) perhaps reflecting the small amount of stamped mail we get these days.

Now, on to June!

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