Monday 29 March 2021

Classic Science Fiction - 15 April 2021

As usual I can't show you the pictures or tell you anything about these until Royal Mail permit it, but they can't seem to control their retail partner, Post Office Ltd.  And when you have stamps distributed to at least 7,500 retail outlets who have been encouraged to use social media, it is not surprising if pictures are taken as soon as they open their supplies, and their social media accounts are used to advertise them, thus putting them in the public domain.

1995 Science Fiction Set

So it comes to pass that the stamps can currently be seen on the website as my fellow blogger who writes on Commonwealth stamp matters - you can see a link in the blogs list on the lower right of this page.


  1. Bradbury are now showing this issue on their 1st day cover site

  2. Stranger than Science Fiction - The disappearing 95th Birthday cover ..........

    1. Still there >


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