Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Another new Machin and relocation update.

Machin update
I have had a single report of a new 1st class business sheet printed 04/05/2020.  I don't recall seeing this on any website or forum.  This report comes from the Home Counties, north of London, and any further reports are welcome.

I mentioned when describing the Queen retail booklet that the cover paper seemed thinner than previously.  Another collector (and editor) has confirmed this to be the case, and I can now say that the 2nd class book of 12 M20L also has the new thinner paper.  Obviously I can't demonstrate that here, and on single stamps it will be less obvious, but if you have a book, or block, I think you will find that it is a significant departure from the previous versions.

Relocation update
We are still waiting for a telephone line separate from our internet line, so it is not possible to phone the regular number and get a reply.  You can leave a message which will be picked up within 2-3 days.  WE will get more news at the end of this week, but still no idea when the line will be fixed.

I'm keeping the blog up to date as much as I can, but there is very little else going on in the office at present.  Emails are usually answered within 2-3 days as well, and I have removed the automatic out of office reply.

Blog update
Finally, a big thank you to our band of readers who have now pushed the blog-view counter past the 4 million mark!  That's pretty amazing!


  1. Another new machin on e bay the 1st class from books of 12 M20L MTIL ref:- 383627136931 from seller miscut

  2. Having taken an engineering approach and with the aid of my trusty 0 to 1 Mic.(Micrometer) I can confirm the following:-

    Queen Booklet backing paper 0.004 ins thickness over stamp & backing paper 0.008 ins.
    Coronation St booklet backing paper 0.0045 ins thickness over stamp & backing paper 0.009 ins.
    Bond Booklet backing paper 0.0045 ins thickness over stamp & backing paper 0.009 ins.
    London 2020 booklet (6 x 1st) backing paper 0.0045 ins thickness over stamp & backing paper 0.009 ins.

    Therefore stamp and backing paper are now thinner.

    Regards - Stuart

    1. Thank you Stuart. Could you please measure some 2018 and 2019 booklets?

      I've been told that the 2019 were the thinner type but I don't know of anybody who mentioned that last year. Your findings are eagerly awaited!

  3. It is also interesting to see that the Queen booklet inside backing card surface is whiter when compared to the previous Coronation Street booklet.
    Also if the booklet is held up at a shallow angle to the light to examine the stamp background text, the stamps are different to those in the Coronation Street booklet.


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