Tuesday 3 March 2020

Slogan Postmarks in March 2020

This will be the place for all slogan postmarks used in March, and any other postmark news, which will be in a separate section after all the slogans.

The first March slogan arrived today, though I suspect it was actually used on Saturday 29 February, so I will add it in the February blogpost if I get confirmation and a decent copy to show.

One arrived today which, being local, may well have been posted yesterday. But it is too poor to show.  I even looked at others in the sorting office, to confirm the full text which is all but illegible on mine from Norwich Mail Centre.

The celebration is for World Maths Day (4 March*) and it reads:

"The poetry of logical
ideas" - Albert Einstein
World Maths Day
4 March 2020

Update 4 March - thanks to BM for the Exeter Mail Centre example above, also from 2 March.

Thanks to IB for the alternative layout from South East Anglia Mail Centre on 02/03/2020 - the wording is over five lines:

"The poetry of
logical ideas" -
Albert Einstein
World Maths Day
4 March 2020

* The International Mathematical Union website shows the International Day of Mathematics to be 14 March! See wikipedia for more clarification.

UPDATE 5 MARCH - World Book Day....
.... today was marked by a slogan which was also in use on 2 March on 2nd class post, shown here from Warrington Mail Centre.
Help World Book Day
Share a Million Stories!
Visit worldbookday.com
5 March 2020

Thanks to IB, JE & JG for the alternative formats for World Book Day, this one from Greenford/Windsor Mail Centre on 03/03/2020.

JE writes:
You are right in suggesting that the World Maths Day slogan was used from Saturday 29 Feb.; I have a poor Mt Pleasant iLSM version, on a cover which I posted on Saturday.  International Women's Day is due to feature today and tomorrow [5 & 6 March], with British Science Week being used from Saturday 7 to Friday 13 March!

UPDATE 5 March (ii)
As expected RW came up with the International Women's Day slogan, from Chester & North Wales dated 05/03/2020. (You can find an explanation of the IWD slogan in the link above.)

Women's Day
8 March 2020

Thanks to IB for this Home Counties North version also on 5 March.

UPDATE 10 March 2020
And so we come to British Science Week, my thanks to KD for sending this in yesterday.  From Manchester Mail Centre on Saturday 07/03/2020

"Science is magic
that works"
- Kurt Vonnegut
British Science Week
6-15 March 2020

Further update: thanks to RW for the other format from Exeter Mail Centre probably on 09-03-2020. As usual this is in the 4-line format.

Update 20 March: Thanks to KD and somebody who sent me a bill, I can show the latest slogan, reminding us that Sunday is Mothering Sunday, and time to send a card - too late for delivery Saturday now of course, unless you see this in the next 20 minutes, but it's the thought that counts.

One from Nottingham Mail Centre on 19/03/2020 and ours from Chester & N Wales with a postmark almost certainly applied in two passes on 17/03/20.

Remember to
send that card!
Mother's Day
22 March 2020

UPDATE 27 March, possibly the last this month
Thanks to KD for another slogan, this one reminding us of the daylight saving change here and in Europe this weekend.  From Nottingham Mail Centre dated 26/03/2020

Don't forget!
Clocks go forward:
Sunday 29 March


And in our own post, one from Peterborough Mail Centre for the same date, but in the other format, in three lines.


UPDATE Sat 28 March
I suspect Royal Mail have had this in mind for a while; there may have been discussions with government about just what wording they would like used. There may be more than one slogan before the crisis is over.  

Rather than using a # hashtag as they do in many slogans, they have made this one simple.  My thanks to AB for providing these examples from Home Counties North and Swindon Mail Centres dated 27-03-2020

Royal Mail - keeping
communities connected

And our own mail came later, bringing this one from Chester & N Wales also 27/03/2020. These 2nd class items delivered next day suggest that the difference between 1st and 2nd is disappearing as Royal Mail have less business mail to process and more parcels and packets.


  1. It certainly makes more sense for World Maths Day to be 14th March because - for those minds run to such things, and who think of the Americanised shortform date - 3.14 is a commonly-recognised approximation to pi.

    1. Indeed. But if you read the references you will see more detail of the actual WMD.


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