Tuesday 1 May 2018

Slogan Postmarks for April 2018.

A quiet start to the month, and then a rush of slogans at the end.  Thanks to all those who sent examples of these.  Yours may not be shown but all are welcome. I try to show one of each layout, but not one from each mail centre - that could get too busy!

I can't find a slogan marking the centenary of the founding of the Royal Air Force, I thought that there should have been one.

The first slogan I have marks the Meeting of Commonwealth Heads of Government held in London from 16-20 April.   We have the slogan used on 16 April at Edinburgh and Tyneside (the other format), and reversed at SE Anglia (Chelmsford) on a square envelope - and it still missed the stamp!

London 2018
16-20 April 

Next came the slogan to celebrate Digital Pride which was running from 21-28 April.  Whilst I can see that social media campaigns will be appropriate, I'm not sure how delivering letters (and 'coming out' to colleagues and managers) ties in with digital pride?  Anyway, the slogan was used in both formats, here on 20 April from Norwich and SE Anglia - the latter being the alternative layout and on a coloured envelope which is why I have taken the colour out.

Celebrate Digital
21-28 April 2018
Delivering with Pride

Digital Pride
21-28 April 2018
with Pride

The birth on 23 April of Prince Louis to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge was marked by a slogan used on at least 23 & 24th April. Examples from Romford on 23 and Peterborough in the other format on 24th.

TRH The Duke
and Duchess
of Cambridge on the
birth of their son

UPDATE 2 May: JG has sent this poor example from South East Anglia on 30 April.

This ought to be the end of April's slogans but running in parallel with the others, even on the same day and in the same machine, Tyneside MC has continued to support the British Winter Olympics team in their endeavours at Pyeongchang!  Examples here on 16th or 18th and 26th or 28th!

Thanks to everybody who has contributed to this month's report.

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