The May edition of Royal Mail's Postmark Bulletin has just been distributed by email and should be on their website shortly. Most of the postmarks, but not the official FD handstamps are already shown here.
The latest Bulletin includes the official first day postmarks for the Royal Wedding, Royal Academy and Dad's Army stamp issues, and the TUC Commemorative Sheet. There are no special handstamps coinciding with the release of the new Machin's by Walsall other than ongoing changeable date handstamps.
There are a number of other long-term and one-day handstamps not directly connected with new stamp issues.
2684. ๐ฌ๐ง ๐ฌ๐ฌ New Royal Mail Definitives and Guernsey Europa.
*New issues.*
*๐ฌ๐ง **Royal Mail *-
27 March 2025 - New definitives necessitated by revised international
postal rates - 3 stamps (total face value £...
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