However, thanks to the British Thematic Association I can show this example of the default slogan - or slogans! As they wrote on Twitter:
It looks like@RoyalMail aren't sure who they're supporting on their postmarks here. If anyone wants to show a theme of "Indecisive", this would fit right in.
This was first hit by the Dorset & SW Hants ink-jet dated 03-05-2018 with the slogan 'Royal Mail supports mental health awareness'. It then received a second pass from SE Wales mail centre, using last year's 'Royal Mail proud to support Stroke association'. [Photo credit to Jon M.]
Youth Mental Health.
No sooner had I written the above, than GF sent me this new slogan from Edinburgh Mail Centre dated 10 May.
Royal Mail
supporting youth
mental health with
UPDATE: Thanks to JE I can now also show the alternative IMP layout from Manchester on 12 May.
Mental Health Awareness Week.
In the post this morning, from last Friday, another new variant on mental health as this is a special week for the Mental Health Foundation. This one from Warrington Mail Centre.
Meanwhile, on Tyneside, they must be really confused by this warm weather, as they are still marking the Winter Olympics, continuing from last month. This one dated 14 May 2018!
Maybe there will be one for the Royal Wedding? That should start on Friday for delivery on Saturday?
In the post this morning, from last Friday, another new variant on mental health as this is a special week for the Mental Health Foundation. This one from Warrington Mail Centre.
Royal Mail
proudly supporting
Mental Health
Awareness Week
Meanwhile, on Tyneside, they must be really confused by this warm weather, as they are still marking the Winter Olympics, continuing from last month. This one dated 14 May 2018!
Maybe there will be one for the Royal Wedding? That should start on Friday for delivery on Saturday?
Children's Hospice Week
So it seems no Wedding slogan, unlike 1947. Thanks to MB we can show next week's new slogan marking Children's Hospice Week. One example from Swindon Mail Centre dates 18 May (Friday) and the other from North West Midlands dated 21/05/2018, with a different five-line layout to the text. The wording is
Royal Mail
proudly supports
Children's Hospice Week
21 - 27 May 2018

UPDATE 11 July. MG has sent this odd slogan for Children's Hospice Week with the wrong dates! Used at Dorset and SW Hants on (probably) 16 June 2018 it shows the dates, bizarrely, as
19 - 24 June May 2018

Another candidate for the bizarre-errors-in-the-post thematic collection!
Chelmsford is also having an aberation as instead of supporting on of the 'Weeks', South East Anglia MC is reminding us to write the Postcode clearly. And for once, the slogan is clear as well, this one used on 18 May.
Hay Festival
I don't think that this is the first time for Royal Mail to have a slogan postmark for the commercial venture which is the Hay Festival. You might be forgiven for thinking that this is a little book event at Hay-on-Wye. Hay is (just) in Wales, and far from being a little local event, the Hay Festival has mushroomed into a worldwide series of events with the Welsh event running from 24 May - 3 June. Other Festivals are in Mexico and Spain, in September, and Peru in November. There might be a UK event in November (their website is ambiguous), followed by one in Colombia in early 2019. In 2017 there was one in Denmark.
We've had one report from RB giving us the Peterborough version on 23 May, and MB shows that Tyneside has moved away from the winter olympics and gives us the other version on 24 May.
imagine the world
As usual, we'll be pleased to show any more slogan postmarks that you might find.
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