Thanks to IP & JV for these:
Page 5 - 2nd class, new number is U3010 not U3030Page cross-references
Page 7 - 1st class business sheetM12L etc is U3021 not U3016
Page 14 - £1.28 MA12 etc new number is U2939 not U2399
£2 MA13 new number is U2955 not U2914
Some page number references within the body have not been updated as they should have been because of new pages being added or tables being split. Mostly the correct number will be 1 more than the one quoted. Sorry for the errors; hopefully the links won't be too difficult to find.
Blog comments
Changes to the way that Google software is working on Blogger, it seems that when comments are made we are no longer getting an email to moderate (ie allow) comments to be published. This will mean that your comments will not appear as quickly as before. We will check the administration pages and permit comments once a day, at least.
Hopefully they will fix this soon!
UPDATE 30/31 May:
Additions to this year's Machin stamps. We can now show the 2nd class booklet stamp, and the previously unreported and not yet made available from Tallents House 2p counter sheet (See foot of post). This, like the 20p, 20p & £1, was printed on 09/02/18. (These pictures taken from eBay, but seller ID not revealed). The same seller has also found the 1st Large business sheet.
These will be added to the Checklist as 2931.8, 3002.8 and 2916aB.8 respectively.
UPDATE 1/2 June:
As my informant wrote, "another day, another stamp". And now we have the 1st class business sheet, with a printing date of 07/03/2018, from the same eBay seller. (Norvic 2914aB.8)
I'm reminded that the 2nd Large booklet was around late last month and hasn't been pictured here
I'm reminded that the 2nd Large booklet was around late last month and hasn't been pictured here

You would think that if Royal Mail production department arranged the printing of the 2p (and maybe others), then they might have told Stamps & Collectables so that they could be made available along with the others. I've made enquiries as to what else might have been printed on the same day - watch this space!
UPDATE 7 June: I have asked RM about the 2p and any other values and suggested that the Production team (which is down a couple of people at present) and stamps & collectables ought to talk to each other more. The failure was acknowledged but I didn't get any word on further values. However, on an earlier post, this comment has been posted today by Petermk:
I am waiting to hear from TH regarding the 2p counter sheet which was printed at the same time as the ones issued in May if you have NVC issues on your standing order, they seem to have no knowledge of this stamp, but I explained they were on e-bay & asked why I did not receive one. But I was told that in July/August the 1p & 5p counter sheets will be available.So at last somebody has found something out from the 'collector' side of TH before the trade side!
The 12 x 1st booklet has now appeared on eBay - picture added above.
I inferred from the comment above that the July/August distribution would include the 2p: I was mistaken, although it might by then be available.
In any event I have now been told officially that the philatelic availability of more Walsall values will probably be held back until September Stampex, as happened in the spring with the 50p. Something will be confirmed next week, and I'll report it in a new post.
IF this has been confirmed with the production team, it suggests that there are no new printings of other values yet. The 1st Large Signed For stamp was reprinted last year on plain backing paper, the last 500g Special Delivery stamp was printed in 2016. Time will tell - and we will let you know as soon as possible.