Monday 19 October 2015

Royal Mail supports 'Get Safe Online' with another slogan postmark.

Royal Mail has announced that it is supporting this week’s ‘Get Safe Online Week’, from Monday 19 to Saturday 24 October, with a special slogan postmark. The postmark follows the publication of Royal Mail research around the risk of ID fraud when home moving. 

The research, involving 12,000 home movers, found that more than 1 in 10 (15%) had received in excess of 20 items of mail addressed to a former resident during the first month in their new home. Worryingly more than half (52%) had received sensitive financial mail. The findings are even more shocking given the recent announcement from the Office of National Statistics that application fraud – which is linked to ID fraud - has increased by 14% in the last financial year.

Get Safe Online, which is in its tenth year, is a joint partnership between the Government, the National Crime Agency (NCA) and Ofcom. This year’s week centres on the theme of ‘It’s Always Personal’. The campaign aims to educate, inform and raise awareness of internet security issues in order to encourage confident, safe use of the internet.
Royal Mail’s postmark will be applied to millions of UK stamped mail nationwide from Monday 19 to Saturday 24 October. It reads “Get Safe Online Week“.

UPDATE 20 October
Here's an example from Greenford/Windsor Mail Centre on 17 October.  As expected the dates given by Royal Mail are expected delivery dates :

UPDATE 22 October
Thanks to Richard for an example of the other format, from Jubillee Mail Centre on 19 October

1 comment:

  1. I've received a 16th October example from Edinburgh.
    If you can tell me if there's a way to post an image here, I can include a scan.


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