Thanks to readers who have sent reports and pictures in the last couple of weeks. I now have time to provide an update report on some of the recent Post and Go happenings.
But first, a trip to Singapore's exhibition. We reported in August that the Faststamps produced in the UK and at the exhibition were once again different, although this time the difference was confined to the year code on the stamps. Unlike in Australia, the additional inscription was the same from both sources, although it seems that both were in error, referring to the event as Singpex 2015 World Stamp Expo when the official name - which appeared on the exhibition logo - was Singapore 2015.
I understand that there were considerable problems producing Smilers sheets at the Exhibition, and in fact they were not supplied until some weeks afterwards. (This may be why we saw no Smilers at Stampex?) Thanks to Rushstamps we can show both designs which have the correct show name because the label is illustrated with the show logo. I understand that these are usually only available in half-sheets of 10 but that they have some sheets of 20 as shown. (Click on the pictures to see enlargements.)
Fleet Air Arm Museum
Thanks to RW I can show a 'before and after' picture of the Union Flag stamps. The old one was bought on Thursday 15 October in session 2314, and the one with the expanded caption on Monday 19 October (the first day) from session 2321, so not much activity in between.
Also the new MA15 Poppy with the expanded caption on the first day (19th October), and the pair used on cover. Mail from Yeovilton is handled by the Bristol Mail Centre.
Museum of the Royal Navy
MC sends these examples from the National Museum of the Royal Navy. It hadn't occurred to me before that, by not including the word 'Museum', these have the appearance of overprints for official use by the Royal Navy on HM Ships etc! As publicised, the Union Flag also marks Trafalgar Day, and the Poppy stamps are MA15. As you can see, the receipt has both the abbreviation and the full title.
It appears that even the Museums that were reported to be closed on Mondays would have at least the shop area open, so that collectors could obtain all their requirements on one day. Reports from the Marines and Submarine Museum are awaited.
Thanks for the continued support - though I suspect there will be less to report in 2016 as many of you are saying that your Post and Go collections will be seriously curtailed by then!
UPDATE 6 November.
I suppose it's a measure of how much/little interest there is in these from collectors in the UK that examples from the other museums have not been supplied until now?
Thanks to Chris for these from the Royal Marines, and the Royal Navy Submarines Museums:
And the full strips (click on image to see them larger):
2692. 🇸🇬 Singapore Features Kebaya Costumes.
*New issues *-
🇸🇬 *Singapore Post *-
4 April 2025 - ‘Multinational inscription of Kebaya on UNESCO’ - Kebaya
(traditional blouse-dress combination...
ReplyDeleteThe receipts headers of the 3 Portsmouth Museums are interesting.
They read The NMRN RN Submarine and The Royal Marines Museum
I would have thought The NMRN at the very least would be ripe for change in due course.
John Embrey