Thursday 28 March 2013

Doctor Who Tardis Smilers stamp now on iPad, Android to follow

The Tardis stamp from the Doctor Who stamp issue, which is in the miniature sheet, retail booklet and generic Smilers Sheet is now available on the iPad app.

As with the 'Future Gold Medal' label, this one allows for additional text to be added to the label (see above).

Not only does this system include the add-text option, but the postage and packing appears to be cheaper than buying online through the Royal Mail/Snapfish link up. 

This version is available for V4.0 iphone 3GS and later.  The Android version will be released soon.

UPDATE 30th March

A new Android version of Smilers (with Dr Who), is now on the Android Play Store, for phones and tablets.

In addition both Android and Apple releases also have Dr Who accessories which can be added to the ‘normal’ stamp image. Scarves, Bow tie and Glasses.

This is just the latest in a series of innovations being added to Smilers.

1 comment:

  1. I have checked both the iPad and iPhone versions of the Smilers HD app and neither currently offer the enhanced Future Doctor Who option although both have the Dr. Who stamps available against conventional rectangular labels.

    Can either you or Bob clarify when these will actaully be introduced?


    Graham Howard


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