Wednesday 21 December 2011

Golden Machin Horizon label mark III update

Steve has sent a picture of 4 new labels..... and another showing an earlier date of 21/11/11 17/11/11, so if anybody has an earlier date than this, please let us know!

Also shown below is an FP label that I sent to Australia


  1. Found another Label even earlier 17/11/11
    will send scan to you soon.


  2. Steve's new image has been added, together with an FP type III label.

  3. Latest update of Post Codes i have got with the new TYPE 3 Gold Horizon Labels.
    know Post codes using these labels so far are. B98, G77,G75, G61, G58, G53, G51 G47, G44, G42, G22, LL18, DA1, CT20, KY12,KY11, KY13, E14,LE3, M2, PE33,SE10 AB34, EC3M,CH62, CR6, RH16, TD16, AL1, OX3,


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