Monday 5 February 2024

February 2024 slogan postmarks and other interesting postal markings.

As expected the current default slogan is for Royal Mail's staff-chosen charity, the British Heart Foundation.  

The slogan is a new variation; it has the BHF logo and web address but also a reference to Learning CPR although the exact wording and new web address await a clearer example.  I've asked Royal Mail for a clearer (publicity) image, but in the meantime I have found out that the new wording includes RevivR.

British Heart

Learn lifesaving CPR with RevivR
Find out more at

Our post included this one from Norwich Mail Centre 02-02-2024, thanks to my car-repairer for another bill!

British Heart Foundation slogan from Norwich Mail Centre 02-02-2024

UPDATE: Thanks to Trevor for a clearer example, and in the other layout, and the text on six lines, from (Bristol) BA, BS, GL, TA Mail Centre 01/02/2024

British Heart Foundation slogan from Bristol Mail Centre 01/02/2024

However, the same post brought the first new slogan of February, which started on Saturday 3rd to arrive today, 5th.

National Apprenticeship Week was last record in March 2018. This year's slogan includes the actual dates unlike the previous one.  This example is from Manchester Mail Centre 03/02/2024. (URL in postmark corrected, thanks NI)

Royal Mail supports
5-11 February

National Apprenticeship Week slogan Manchester Mail Centre 03/02/2024

UPDATE 14 February: I should have posted these sooner, the Valentine's Day slogan which wasn't recorded last year, but which is the same as that from 2022.

Send a little love
this ♥︎
Valentine's Day
♥︎ ♥︎ February 14

Two people sent examples from Sheffield Mail Centre and I'm showing the clearer of these, dates 08/02/2024 (thanks to JH and LF).

Valentine's Day Slogan Sheffield Mail Centre 08/02/2024

Also the other format from a correspondent via Peterborough Mail Centre 10-02-2024.

Valentine's Day Slogan Peterborough Mail Centre 10-02-2024

UPDATE 20 February:  Thanks to JE for a slogan for the Cystic Fybrosis Trust which few will see as it was only used on 16 & 17 February, then replaced by the BHF CPR slogan.

This in turn should be replaced by the 'normal' BHF default slogan from 29 February, he says.

Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Since 1964.
We won't stop
until CF does.

Cystic Fibrosis Trust slogan, Birmingham Mail Centre 16/02/2024

UPDATE 7 March: The last slogan for February was used on 29th which was the only date of use for the St David's Day slogan, to be delivered on 1 March, but applied to both 1st and 2nd class mail.

We have no intimation that it was translated into Welsh for delivery to Welsh addresses, although that would have been logical!

St David's
Friday 1st March

Thanks to JE for one example for each layout shown here, from Preston (Lancashire and South Lakes) and Edinburgh Mail Centres.

St David's Day slogan Edinburgh Mail Centre 29-02-2024 unnecessarily on PPI mail

St David's Day slogan Lancashire and South Lakes (Preston Mail Centre) 29/02/2024


UPDATE  29 February - advance notice for MARCH.

I have heard that an International Women's Day slogan will be used in both formats on 5 & 6 March only, with the aim of 'doormat delivery' (for 1st class letters) on 6 & 7 March, 'the day' being on 8 March.  

From 7 March the 'original' default British Heart Foundation slogan should be used, to appear on deliveries from 8 March.


Time for another post office branch self-inking datestamp - but where is this from?

Wick News B self-inking datestamp 27.JA.24

You might think that there is only one obvious answer, that it is from the far north of Scotland. Where else is there with the town name of Wick?  

Google map showing location of Wick, Scotland.

Well at one time there were post offices in the villages of Wick in Worcestershire and Gloucestershire, but it's neither of those.

No, this one is in the Wick district of Littlehampton, Sussex, in the Wick Newsagents.  At one time the courts relied on the postmark as proof of date/time and place of posting. Although Post Office Ltd would probably be able to tell the court where this packet to our Canadian correspondent was posted, how much easier it would be if the place was on the postmark - Wick, Littlehampton would be much better.

Google map & street view, Wick, Littlehampton.

Update: it has been put to me that this might be from the Gloucestershire Wick where there is also a post office in a retailer named Wick News.  Later update: The Gloucestershire Wick closed and reopened as a Drop & Go branch where there are no handstamps and stamps are not sol.

Thanks to JH for this nice clear datestamp from Holmbush. Once again it is necessary (unless you live nearby) to resort to Google to find that this is in the outskirts of St Austell in Cornwall.

Self-inking datestamp, Holmbush index J, 23.FE 24

Holmbush Post Office, Daniel's Lane (Cornwall) - Google street view.

If you have any other slogans used this month, or any other interesting postal markings, please send them to the email address in the top right of this blog.  Thank you.

Remember, all postmarks appearing in February will be added to this post, so check here before you spend time scanning and emailing.  I'll try to add new ones as quickly as possible.


  1. The wording of this BHF slogan is new - includes reference to CPR.

    1. Thank you for pointing this out. I won't put the new wording until I am certain of what it is!


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