Wednesday 14 February 2024

Happy New Year, it's M24L time for the King Charles definitives.

There have been several reports of King Charles definitives being sold from post offices or appearing on mail, and it seems that a reprint of the 1st class sheet stamp has been necessary already this year.

King Charles 1st class sheet definitive with M24L year code, from 17/1/24 printing.

NVI definitives are printed in sheets of 50 with a gutter, whereas the valued stamps are in sheets of 25 allowing for block of 10 to show the cylinder numbers and date.

On the NVI sheets the cylinders are at the top left, and the date at the top right:

Date strip 17/01/24 at top right of sheet.

Cylinder numbers C1 x3 at top left of sheet: colour, iridescent, phosphor.

UPDATE 29 February 2024.   The 2nd class sheet stamp has now become available with a printing date of 18/01/24 and of course the year code is M24L.

King Charles 2nd class sheet definitive with M24L year code, from 18/1/24 printing.


  1. I used my first King Charles First Class stamps last June!

    1. So did many of us who bought them either from Post Offices or Royal Mail when they were first issued. But after that they were replaced by Machins to use them up.

      But you didn't use an M24L.

    2. AJT - your comment on this post has been moved to the relevant one here

  2. Hi Ian, I see that there are reports that the M24L 2nd counter has also been printed. Apologies if this is announced elsewhere on this blog, but I couldn't find anything.

    1. I was awaiting supplies which would confirm it, before posting. But thank you John, I am expecting them this week.

    2. Trelantis: Now available on a popular auction site.

  3. In the last couple of days the 2nd business sheet with M24L has appeared. Barcode date is 11/12/23

  4. Spotted on a well known website is the first appearance of a 2nd Class Booklet with M24L MEIL coding.


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