Sunday, 15 December 2024

Not Quite the Review of the Year 2024

For reasons which will be obvious if you read my post of 19th November, I have been rather busy of late.

Consequently my usual 'Review of the Year' has not proceeded beyond the layout/headings stage. I hope to remedy this very early in 2025, but probably not before some posts about the first issue of the year on 14 January, and the outline programme for the year.


Instead, I'll end the year with a heartfelt thank you to everyone who wrote or sent cards following the death of my mother.  Some were regular contributors, some I used to meet at Stampex and had not seen for more than ten years.  Some I had never met, but they had supported the business for many years and are counted as friends as well as customers - and in some cases also suppliers.  My thanks especially to Iain, Vince and Adam for your cards.

And a few people who must have been readers, but from whom we had never heard before, also sent the condolences.  Thank you for your thoughts and kind words at what was a difficult time.


I usually end with a winter picture or one of a church from our holidays.  Instead this year, as it has been dull and gloomy for much of December, I am jumping back to September and our very sunny holiday in Ireland which will, I hope, brighten the day for UK readers!


My message this year is a repeat of last year's as the conditions remain the same for many people, and so do our sentiments.

We hope all our readers have a happy Christmas holiday whatever religion you follow (if any).

We think especially of those in the care and health sectors who are working while we are relaxing;  those who are no longer with us, especially those who have passed this year; and we think about those who have died awaiting and fighting for justice.

We hope that you and your friends and loved ones stay safe and healthy. 

Remember those who are less fortunate than you and if you can help one person - try to make it two!  Don't forget the postal workers who we rely on, and who are working harder while so many of their colleagues are leaving for a less stressful life.

The Review of the Year 2024 was posted in January and can be found here.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

So Post Office's new N-BIT the dust!

I have written about The Post Office's new computer system which would replace the discredited Horizon several times, and the very limited trial at just a few branches.

As recently as October Computer Weekly suggested that with an already massive £1 billion overspend and over-run the plug might be pulled - leaving Horizon in place, and Fujitsu still supporting it.

Now that same journal reports that the system is being abandoned without sufficient care being taken over retention of important data.

According to a source close to the project, the Post Office is ending its Strategic Platform Modernisation Programme (SPMP), which the Horizon replacement project known as New Branch IT (NBIT) sits within, and is letting staff go.


Last week, a large group of staff on the SPMP were told they would not be needed beyond Friday 13 December, giving the Post Office about a week to secure the data they hold and ensure it can be accessed in the future. 

The data could be vital for future inquiries into the project, the Post Office and why SPMP spent hundreds of millions of pounds more than it budgeted for but still failed to deliver NBIT. It includes data in emails, messaging apps, working documents and technical information documents. 

The source told Computer Weekly: “Over the next couple of weeks, the SPMP is concluding its decision to let go of contractors and third parties, but without adequately completing a credible data safeguarding activity, the Post Office’s response to the risk is very weak. Something is not right about this.”

Read the full piece here.

And then

A source with inside knowledge of the project said it is now “nearly certain” that a fusion of Horizon, in-house NBIT and off-the-shelf software will replace the current system. This would involve the Post Office buying the Horizon system from Fujitsu rather than renting it as it does now.

This was a previous proposal that had been scrapped, according to the source. “There is nothing new about it and there were reasons why it was rejected in the first place,” they said.

Another source said teams at the Post Office have a “vested interest in Horizon staying around” and that some have been vocal about it. He added that “change is a difficult thing and a lot of people object to it”. 

Second story here. 

This must mean the end - soon or already - of the trial which produced labels such as those at the head of this piece.  Whilst we know that a number of these have been produced by collectors and possibly by dealers, there certainly can't be many.  And for anybody who has collected Horizon labels and wants to continue through to replacement systems, inclusion of these is essential.

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Another datamatrix error - 2nd Large Machin 2022 counter sheet.

Readers who have been following the exchanges in the comments about datamatrix-coded stamps having a glaring omission will be interested to see these pictures.

There is no doubt that this sheet of stamps exists, with no datamatrix code on the 2nd Large counter sheet.

Machin 2022 2nd class large counter sheet with no datamatrix code.

The story is that 

"A local post office had these issued and sold some before being recalled."

But then who alerted the administration that recalled them?   And were they legitimately acquired (after others had been sold) before others were returned?

Machin 2022 2nd class large counter sheet with no datamatrix code showing security details.

Machin 2022 2nd class large counter sheet with no datamatrix code showing printing date.


It was, for decades, established practice that faulty stamps were to be returned when discovered, and any posmaster or post office employee who retained any was at risk of dismissal (even though they were paid for).  

I'm sure the principle still holds.  These stamps will be listed in The Deegam Handbook of British Barcoded Stamps, and mentioned in the next Deegam Report.  

Were there any more of these?  Are any other errors on Machins lurking - waiting to be revealed?

Monday, 2 December 2024

December Slogan Postmarks and other interesting Postal Markings

November actually ended with the Post Early slogan which I received on a (stamped business!) letter today.  

This may be the only general design until Royal Mail get date specific - last year they didn't do any post early slogans and in 2022 they were urging us to use up our old stamps until the middle of the month when they switched to date specific.  

Remember also, that the Universal machines are usually pressed into service at this time of year.

2022 Date-specific 'Post Early' slogan.

Dumb wavy line Universal machine in 2022.

Decades-old Snowman slogan in Universal machine in 2022.

Post Early

This slogan will be widely used, I should think, so please send me other layouts.

Remember to
post early
for Christmas

This first example is from Peterborough Mail Centre 30-11-2024.

Post Early slogan, Peterborough Mail Centre 30-11-2024

UPDATE 4 December: We and MM both received reversed examples today on square envelopes.  Mine is from Gatwick 02/12/2024 and MM's is from Tyne & Wear 03/12/2024.

Reversed Post Early slogan, Gatwick Mail Centre 02/12/2024
Reversed Post Early slogan, Tyneside NE/SR Mail Centre 03/12/2024

And the last layout to complete the set (of mostly poor impressions!) comes from PC with this one from Romford Mail Centre, probably 02/12/2024.
Reversed Post Early slogan, Romford Mail Centre 02/12/2024

UPDATE 21 December 2024  Royal Mail's last day for posting 2nd class mail was 18th December, and although the last day for 1st class mail was 20th, the Post Early slogan was replaced on 19th by the default British Heart Foundation slogan.  I suppose anything posted on 19th was unlikely to be delivered on 20th, so no point in continuing to remind people of the last posting date.

Here's a the envelope from a card which reached us this week which has the Birmingham Mail Centre Post Early slogan on 17/12/2024, and also a Norwich Mail Centre British Heart Foundation slogan on 19-12-2024. After that there is a clear example of the BHF slogan from Norwich on 20-12-2024.

Post Early slogan from Birmingham Mail Centre slogan on 17/12/2024, and also a Norwich Mail Centre British Heart Foundation slogan on 19-12-2024.

Norwich Mail Centre British Heart Foundation slogan on 20-12-2024.


CP emailed to say that Stromness's Universal machine was used again, but could not send a copy.  I should think it is much like this one, without a year.  "Stromness stamped the reverse of my letter (on 2 December) suggesting the Universal is only used on island mail and the stamp on the front was cancelled with Glasgow Post early slogan of 3 December"

Stromness, Orkney Universal with no year slug, used in 2023, which was used again in 2024

UPDATE: the reported 2024 usage has now reached me and is of course the same slogan as last year, but they put the day slug into the time slot on 2 December.

Stromness, Orkney, Universal with no year slug, used 2 December 2024 with the day slug in the time slot.

Other postmarks, postal markings etc.

Jersey post used a Santa Sleigh slogan postmark this year: the transposed position as used by Royal Mail in pre-inkjet days allows the slogan to be seen clearly. 

Jersey Post Merry Christmas slogan illustrated with Santa and reindeer 05.12.24

Remember, all postmarks appearing in December will be added to this post, so check here before you spend time scanning and emailing.

Saturday, 30 November 2024

Amazing Prestige Stamp Book Errors - the latest episode.

Ever year, though not every issue, we report different types of error on Prestige Stamp Books: missing panes, duplicate panes, inverted pane, perforation errors, miscuts, and so on.

But we've never had anything quite like the one in the image that was sent to me today.

Churchill PSB definitive pane on Tallents House FDC - with duplicated datamatrix code!

My thanks to IG for sharing this with us all.  It's an amazing error - and of course there must be more because however these are printed, in whatever sheet or reel format (probably the latter as it is especially for automatic addition to Royal Mail first day covers) - each of the stamps should have a unique datamatrix code.  The two codes on each stamp are indeed different.

If anyone else has received a similar error, it will be very interesting to know just how many we can record.

Thursday, 21 November 2024

150th Anniversary of the Birth of Winston Churchill set & PSB - 30 November 2024.

When I saw that these stamps were on Royal Mail's shop yesterday, a day before my embargo, I was annoyed not so much that they were early again, but that I hadn't got a blog post ready.  But it seems that I have: I must have done this last week and totally forgot about it!  The benefits of the ability to schedule posts for later publication.

The 150th anniversary of the birth of one of Britain's most iconic figures, Sir Winston Churchill is marked this year. To commemorate this significant milestone, Royal Mail is proud to present a special collection of stamps and collectibles celebrating the life and legacy of the man who led the nation through its darkest hours. This exclusive set captures the essence of Churchill's remarkable journey—from his early years as a soldier and statesman to his leadership during World War II and beyond.

The set of eight special stamps commemorate the 150th anniversary of Winston Churchill’s birth, honouring one of Britain’s greatest leaders. The stamps feature carefully selected images of Churchill, capturing key moments from his extraordinary life—from his early years in the military and in journalism to his pivotal role during World War II, whilst also showing his life as painter and devoted husband. Accompanying each stamp are some of Churchill's most famous quotes, offering timeless words of wisdom that continue to inspire, creating a beautiful and touching tribute to Churchill's legacy.

The stamps in detail

Set of 8 stamps marking the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sir Winston Churchill.

Upper images

2nd Class: A young Churchill in 1899.
1st Class: Churchill with Vice Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay, 28 August 1940
£1.00: Churchill painting at Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 1946,
£2.00: Churchill at work during a train journey, June 1941.
Lower images
2nd Class: Churchill in the military uniform of a hussar, 1895.
1st Class: Churchill making ‘V for victory’ sign outside 10 Downing St, June 1943,
£1.00: Churchill & Clementine, his wife, Horse Guard’s Parade, January 1941
£2.00: Churchill in later life.

Technical details and acknowledgements

The stamps were printed by Cartor Security Printers in lithography in vertical se-tenant pairs, on gummed paper sheets of 60.  Perforations are 14½ x 14.

Image of Sir Winston Churchill reproduced courtesy of Churchill Heritage Limited and Curtis Brown, London. Quotations from the writings and speeches of Sir Winston Churchill © the Estate of Winston S. Churchill, reproduced courtesy of Curtis Brown, London. Photographs: Churchill in 1899 by Elliott & Fry, photograph by Hulton Archive/Getty Images; Churchill in the military uniform of a hussar, 1895, reproduced courtesy of Curtis Brown, London, on behalf of the Broadwater Collection; Churchill with Vice Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay, 28 August 1940 © IWM H 3508; Churchill making ‘V for victory’ sign outside 10 Downing Street, June 1943, photograph by HF Davis/Topical Press Agency/Hulton Archive/Getty Images; Churchill painting at Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 1946, photograph by Bettmann/Getty Images; Churchill with his wife, Clementine, on Horse Guard’s Parade, London, January 1941, photograph by Popperfoto via Getty Images/Getty Images; Churchill at work during a train journey, June 1941 © IWM H 10874; Churchill in later life, photograph by Baron/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Prestige Stamp Book - £20.45

The Prestige Stamp Book offers a rich, 24-page biography of Winston Churchill, exploring his remarkable life and career, written by Allen Packwood, Director of the Churchill Archives Centre. Expertly Curated Content - Authored by a leading Churchill historian, this book delves deep into Churchill’s personal and public life, offering unique insights into his legacy as a statesman, soldier, and Nobel Prize-winning author. With stunning visuals, the book carries carefully selected imagery, the book captures Churchill’s defining moments, from his early military adventures to his leadership during the Second World War.

The Prestige Stamp Book contains all eight commemorative stamps on panes 1 & 2. Pane 4 contains four of the new King Charles III Union Flag stamps, and pane 3 contains two each of the 50p & £1 definitives with security codes M24L MPIL.

Collectors Sheet

The sheet is self-adhesive making 8 new stamps, plus two extra 1st class.  It includes 10 Churchill stamps paired with photographs of Churchill at defining moments through his life and career. The dramatic background to the sheet shows Churchill in the middle of delivering a speech. (This is a preliminary image with no values shown.)

Winston Churchill 150th anniversary Collectors Sheet.

Products available

Stamp Set, presentation pack, stamp cards, prestige stamp book, first day covers (set and definitive pane), collectors' sheet, coin covers (3), framed set.

Note: there are differing opinions as to the legacy of Churchill's long life.  Comments which venture too far on this will not be published.  You are entitled to your own views but this is not the place to go into lengthy discussions about them.

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

------------------ Olive Billings 1927 - 2024 --------------------

Earlier today my dear mother passed away peacefully at her care home in Dereham at the age of 97. 

This was not unexpected but nonetheless causes us great sadness.  The photo was taken back in 2016 before my wife and I undertook our 10 week round-the-world trip. Subsequently we took her on a return trip to Majorca when she was 91 and she did a lot of walking.

She had been unable to stand since a fall in early 2022, but before that she lived an independent life at home locally after my father passed away in 2011.  

Unfortunately mum declined in the last few months.  We will all miss her terribly.  

I count the readers and contributors to this blog as friends and know that you will understand if my responses here and to emails are not as prompt as usual.

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Get ready for Christmas post delays

Ahead of the Christmas rush period for Royal Mail I thought I would post some of the predictions of postal workers - you know, the people at the coalface who actually know what is going on, rather than the suits in the boardroom and facing parliamentary committees who deny there is anything untoward.

I'm compiling this from the start of October and will publish when I think there is enough to make it interesting for readers. Most will be taken from Twitter (now known as X).

Friday 4 October

We are told we never prioritise tracked over LETTERS............ BUT due to space constraints we have to clear all packets and parcels because rolling them over causes a MAJOR health n safety issue, and H&S trumps everything else! So take all the tracked and leave the letters  [@CoahcPyrah]

Specific & explicit instruction to ensure tracked are done above all else.
"Premium product" is the phrase to watch out for now we're heading into Xmas pressure period.
It's not "ignoring letters" it's "focusing on premium products".
Newspeak. 2yrs on from strikes & worse now.    [

But management deny telling us to prioritise tracked ‘premium products’ above all else  I suspect this Christmas will be without doubt the biggest s**t show any of us have ever seen  [@andy_cooper9]
Tues 8 October

30mins now entire office has been sat waiting for the last lorry. Who'd have thunk moving traffic* to rush hour would cause issues & network delays...
(* A couple of months back the last despatches from the mail centres to delivery offices have been put back an hour or so. This was presumably so that the Mail Centres could clear late arrivals but it no means that the lorry is caught in rush-hour traffic, delaying departure of your postie from the delivery office.)

14 November

I have a major access road closed till Xmas Eve on my round [@postmann26] - East Kent.

80 tracked, can't even fit it all in van. Ludicrous  [@Angry_Postman]

Explain why I'm to abandon letters (including several NHS ones & cards) - In order to deliver Amazon Prime packets? 

Important items such as a massive box of tissues. Sorry you don't get your hosp appointment/results but you don't matter as much as paper tissues [@Angry_Postman]

Some rounds at ours {office} haven't posted {delivered} a letter all week  [@Phil19703] - Northern Ireland

Update 27 November  - Things are building up now, what with Black Friday etc. And there are the houses covered in lights, etc.  Very festive but... (and it's only November).

And have today found my first Xmas Wreath across the door blocking letterbox. The annual tradition of marking your home as inaccessible and no post for you.  [@Angry_Postman]

Can't finish a delivery because a [HQ manager] doesn't understand rush hour...  I reversed at 1mph down a lane almost 1/2 mile long as gate was shut. [Picture of on-screen Road Safety Message about reversing.] No way I'm going against instruction. [@Angry_Postman]

And now I have, with break, 4hrs 13mins. Which isn't possible. Today fails because lorry was 35mins late, as is always the case on a Tuesday. Utter clownshow.  [@Angry_Postman]

Our final lorry now doesn’t turn up until 8:15 which is no good on days like today where we were all worked up & ready by just before 8am!  [SpiderMan72]

We can't move for parcels! Letters again pushed to 1 side. We have 10 extra parcel duties and we still can't cope! [Nick Pyrah]

Update 28 November 

Genuine question - why am I told to return letters if needs be in order to deliver Amazon Prime packages? Who do I work for again?  [@Angry_Postman]

very year at this time is the same we bail out every one else with no thank you!! & the public get mislead yet again... & do we see anything from this do we b*****s [SmallArsenalCoknee]

I remember it used to be an actual Offence to delay the Mail..Posties got on Buses free when they'd the " Bag " on them.  [Auntygoya]





(If anybody has any other verified stories from the postal system, please send them.)


Friday, 8 November 2024

November slogan and other interesting postmarks and postal markings

November started off with the default British Heart Foundation slogan, before it was replaced by one for Remembrance Day.

This was the first slogan we have received for some time, BHF from Cornwall Mail Centre on 01/11/2024.

British Heart Foundation slogan Cornwall Mail Centre 01/11/2024

UPDATE 12 November: my thanks to JH for sending the alternative BHF layout dated 11-11-2024.  Still no sign of Movermber.

British Heart Foundation slogan Peterborough Mail Centre 11-11-2024

Remembrance.  My thanks to JH for this reminder of Armistice Day on Monday 11 November; used at Swindon Mail Centre on 07-11-2024.

Lest We Forget.
Armistice Day

11 November 2024

Lest We Forget Armistice Day Swindon Mail Centre 07-11-2024

UPDATE:  two readers have provided the other layout.  This is the better one from KD (thanks also to JF) from North & West Yorkshire 08/11/2024

Lest We Forget Armistice Day North & West Yorkshire Mail Centre 08/11/2024

LAST MINUTE UPDATE 30 September 2024:  My thanks to KD for sending this - possibly Birmingham - Nottingham example of the St Andrew's Day slogan, the first we have had for some years.  Somebody please send me a good copy: there must be some out there!

St Andrew's
Saturday 30th November

St Andrew's Day from Nottingham Mail Centre 29/11/2024

UPDATE 2 December:  My thanks to MG for providing a very clear example of this from Dorset & SW Hants Mail Centre on 29-11-2024.  

St Andrew's Day from Dorset & SW Hants Mail Centre 29-11-2024

While I was updating this with the Christmas slogan JF sent two copies of this slogan; Croydon produced one as good as the Dorset one above, but this one from Bristol is nearly as good and much better than the one from Nottingham.

St Andrew's Day from Bristol Mail Centre 29/11/2024


And that's it - Christmas has started, and will be reported in the December post, which will appear shortly.

I was premature!  On St Andrew's Day Royal Mail started the reminder to Post Early for Christmas.

This slogan will be widely used, I should think, so please send me other layouts.

Remember to
post early
for Christmas


This first example is from Peterborough Mail Centre 30-11-2024.

Post Early slogan, Peterborough Mail Centre 30-11-2024

Other postmarks, postal markings etc.

The Lest We Forget image also shows a counter date stamp from Headington Oxfordshire This is unusual in having the county name and in full. So many that we have seen are almost anonymous!

The branch is now in the Co-operative supermarket, and the Headington History website has a page devoted to the post office over the centuries.

Headington (Oxfordshire) Post Office (Google maps)

Our Canadian correspondent SS has another package posted at Littlehampton's Wick News post office branch - all they need to do now is cancel the stamps!  They must be misinterpreting a PO Ltd instruction.

Wick News A counter date stamp 3 OC 24, but not cancelling the stamps.

Remember, all postmarks appearing in November will be added to this post, so check here before you spend time scanning and emailing.

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

New Wales Country definitives 14 November 2024, but airmail stamps to end

As well as the 2024 Christmas stamps Royal Mail have also put on their website for pre-order two new Wales Country definitives with the profile of King Charles III.

Queen Elizabeth II Wales 2nd class definitive

As standing order customers will know from their advance notice, the Wales Definitive has been billed at a value of £2.50, leading some to think that it is erroneously an airmail stamp at the pre-October 7th rate.  But of course the sum of the 2nd class and 1st class is now £2.50, and it is these two values which are being issued on 14 November, the King's birthday.

The stamps can be seen here.

In accordance with Royal Mail’s environmental policy, all existing stock of definitive and country definitive stamps featuring the portrait of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II are being issued to exhaustion, and new Definitive stamps with the King Charles III portrait will be issued according to supply and demand.

The Welsh 1st and 2nd Class Definitive stamps will be available for the first time featuring the King’s silhouette. 

The stamp designs featuring Welsh national symbols have been retained from previous country definitive designs. The Welsh Dragon has been forged from Welsh steel, whilst the Leek has been carved from Welsh sycamore. 

Country Definitives will now be limited to 1st and 2nd Class NVIs and no longer include international values.

The 39 x 30 mm self-adhesive stamps are printed in sheets of 25 by Cartor Security Printers in lithography.

When they will be available generally in Post Office branches is anyone's guess!  Please send your reports.

Christmas Cathedrals 2024 set and miniature sheet (etc) - 5 November 2024

Now that Royal Mail have put the 2024 Christmas stamps on their website for pre-ordering, it makes me - once again - question whether I need to post details of new issues here at all.  But they do provide us with more technical details than they put on their website, so for everybody's benefit I shall continue.

The details will appear here on the date of issue but in the meantime you can see the products here.

Royal Mail are celebrating Christmas 2024 with a set of 5 stamps paying homage to some of the most spectacular Cathedrals in the UK. Visitors entering a cathedral in the UK are likely to be struck by their size and grandeur, intrigued by the architecture and history or moved by their services, from a liturgical pageant with exquisite music to the stillness of morning prayer.

The stamps have been illustrated by British artist Judy Joel.

Set of 5 Christmas stamps issued 5 November 2024.

Christmas 2024 miniature sheet of 5 stamps.


2nd Class (£0.85) - St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh

1st Class (£1.65) - Liverpool Anglican Cathedral

2nd Large Letter (£1.55) - St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh (Church of Ireland)

1st Large Letter (£2.60) - St Deiniol’s Cathedral, Bangor / Cadeirlan Deiniol Sant ym Mangor (Church in Wales – Anglican).

£2.80 - Westminster Cathedral, London (Catholic)

Technical Details

The 39 x 30 mm stamps designed by Together Design London Ltd are printed by Cartor Security Printers in gravure.  The stamps and miniature sheet are all self-adhesive.  The miniature sheet measures 179 x 74 mm. © Royal Mail 2024. 

Generic/Collector Sheet

The sheet contains eight each 2nd and 1st class stamps, 2 x £2.80, and one each of 2nd Large and 1st Large stamps.  (The image provided shows the original draft with a value of £2.50 for the airmail stamp).  The sheet is printed in lithography which means the stamps are different, if you collect single stamps from sheets - and you'll have a lot left over because there is just ONE set of 5.  (Price £30.95).

Christmas Collector sheet issued 5 November 2024 containing just one set of stamps.



First Day Covers (2), Presentation Pack, Retail Books (2), Collector Sheet, Postcards (6).

Sunday, 27 October 2024

Royal Mail 2025 Stamp Programme - any guesses?

Before we get to the Christmas stamp issue, I thought it worth prompting our readers to make some suggestions for the 2025 programme.

UPDATE 30 December 2024:  I have had the programme since before I made this post, and it was due for release at the end of this week.  However,  this came from Royal Mail today:

We will not be publishing any details of the 2025 Stamp Programme on the 2nd January as previously advised. As such all details relating to the 2025 Stamp Programme remain under embargo until further notice. 


You know the basics of the programme, whatever the specific subjects.  There is likely to be at least one music set ....

at least one television/film set, 

Christmas of course (a non-secular subject), and some blatant thematic sets with no commemorative worth.

Suggestions by email only please to, only one per person unless I prompt you for clarification or expansion.

Results and comparison with the actual programme in due course.  The exercise ends when the programme is announced - please don't leak it if you see the calendar in a post office, it won't be published here.


Many thanks to the people who sent in suggested topics, events, and people, there has been a flurry of activity over the last couple of weeks.   I'm sorry that events have meant that I could not reply to everyone yet.

I'll continue to collate the suggestions and publish the results here.  But as I have written on the actual programme entry (January 2nd)

Those who contributed to our competition can now see how accurate their predictions were.  (Answer - not very!  Four readers sent in lists which contained 3 of the subjects on the list (including Christmas so really only two), and one of those had a suggestion which may be a third.

In fact some subjects not included in the list had more or as many supporters, with Jane Austen having 4. Nobody got the two Music Legends correct, and only one person suggested the right TV programme, although two others were also suggested.  One subject was suggested by 7 readers and is included in the programme.  

Obviously no more suggestions will be collated but feel free to add some thoughts for the second half of the year in the comments.