Before we get to the Christmas stamp issue, I thought it worth prompting our readers to make some suggestions for the 2025 programme.
UPDATE 30 December 2024: I have had the programme since before I made this post, and it was due for release at the end of this week. However, this came from Royal Mail today:
We will not be publishing any details of the 2025 Stamp Programme on the 2nd January as previously advised.
As such all details relating to the 2025 Stamp Programme remain under embargo until further notice.
You know the basics of the programme, whatever the specific subjects. There is likely to be at least one music set ....
Christmas of course (a non-secular subject), and some blatant thematic sets with no commemorative worth.
Suggestions by email only please to, only one per person unless I prompt you for clarification or expansion.
Results and comparison with the actual programme in due course. The exercise ends when the programme is announced - please don't leak it if you see the calendar in a post office, it won't be published here.
Many thanks to the people who sent in suggested topics, events, and people, there has been a flurry of activity over the last couple of weeks. I'm sorry that events have meant that I could not reply to everyone yet.
I'll continue to collate the suggestions and publish the results here. But as I have written on the actual programme entry (January 2nd)
Those who contributed to our competition can now see how accurate their predictions were. (Answer - not very! Four readers sent in lists which contained 3 of the subjects on the list (including Christmas so really only two), and one of those had a suggestion which may be a third.
In fact some subjects not included in the list had more or as many supporters, with Jane Austen having 4. Nobody got the two Music Legends correct, and only one person suggested the right TV programme, although two others were also suggested. One subject was suggested by 7 readers and is included in the programme.
Obviously no more suggestions will be collated but feel free to add some thoughts for the second half of the year in the comments.