Sunday, 15 December 2024

Not Quite the Review of the Year 2024

For reasons which will be obvious if you read my post of 19th November, I have been rather busy of late.

Consequently my usual 'Review of the Year' has not proceeded beyond the layout/headings stage. I hope to remedy this very early in 2025, but probably not before some posts about the first issue of the year on 14 January, and the outline programme for the year.


Instead, I'll end the year with a heartfelt thank you to everyone who wrote or sent cards following the death of my mother.  Some were regular contributors, some I used to meet at Stampex and had not seen for more than ten years.  Some I had never met, but they had supported the business for many years and are counted as friends as well as customers - and in some cases also suppliers.  My thanks especially to Iain, Vince and Adam for your cards.

And a few people who must have been readers, but from whom we had never heard before, also sent the condolences.  Thank you for your thoughts and kind words at what was a difficult time.


I usually end with a winter picture or one of a church from our holidays.  Instead this year, as it has been dull and gloomy for much of December, I am jumping back to September and our very sunny holiday in Ireland which will, I hope, brighten the day for UK readers!


My message this year is a repeat of last year's as the conditions remain the same for many people, and so do our sentiments.

We hope all our readers have a happy Christmas holiday whatever religion you follow (if any).

We think especially of those in the care and health sectors who are working while we are relaxing;  those who are no longer with us, especially those who have passed this year; and we think about those who have died awaiting and fighting for justice.

We hope that you and your friends and loved ones stay safe and healthy. 

Remember those who are less fortunate than you and if you can help one person - try to make it two!  Don't forget the postal workers who we rely on, and who are working harder while so many of their colleagues are leaving for a less stressful life.

The Review of the Year 2024 was posted in January and can be found here.