Friday 5 May 2023

No new lists yet, and order processing delayed.

I thought I should write an update on how we are getting on with processing orders and making new lists, as I know some people have been waiting for a while.

I am part way through producing a list of all the NVI Machins, starting with the blue and black, working through to the self-adhesive coils, airmail stamps, up to - but excluding - the security stamps.

Unfortunately family matters and processing orders has put this on hold, and processing of orders has also slowed.  Some readers will have noticed the blog post last month announcing a long weekend away without internet.  This was a break we needed just to relax and calm down after a trying couple of weeks.

Things are improving but some time still has to be devoted to non-business matters, with a succession of birthdays and public holidays meaning that family comes first.  And we have another long weekend now, with variable weather - good weather will mean gardening, bad weather may mean time in the office!

But on Thursday next (11th) we have another week away for another social occasion (this time I will remember to use the 'out of office' response to emails!).  

So everything will be on hold from 11-22 May (and there's another holiday weekend a week later! The Blackadder issue will be blogged on Friday this week.)


And I haven't even sent any more stamps into Royal Mail's Swap-out scheme (although I have been using them up!)

Orders in hand will be actioned as quickly as possible, and if you think you've been forgotten, please remind us.

Have a good weekend!

Post weekend update

a. I'm pleased to say that I was able to clear a few orders, one is awaiting the address to send it to!

b. If you send in email orders based on the many lists here, do please include your address.  Apart from anything else it will help me to calculate the postage if you are not in the UK, and if I complete picking and processing just on the same day that I am going to the post office, I'll be able to post it, rather than waiting for you to reply to an email asking for it, which may mean another week to wait.

c. I don't have any whole sheets of pre-barcoded Machins of any type.  

d. The 'more difficult' X, Y, and U numbers are mostly sold, but note that just because it's in a prestige book that doesn't make it difficult. (Only the ones from the mixed panes).

e. The sales list for NVIs is now on hold until towards the end of this month, although I will have to fit that round a project at home as well.  

f. From the Swap-out I do have good supplies of many of the barcoded stamps so if anybody wants to buy formats not readily available from Tallents House (where they seem to be remarkably inflexible when people want to spend money), please ask and if I have them they can be supplied at very good prices.

g. About four years ago I was writing about Machins on cover for people who wanted examples of modern postal history, especially inland rates for collectors abroad.  This, of course, has been interrupted by the Swap-out, but it is one of many things that I shall want to do - probably next year, at the rate things are going!

Any questions - please ask!

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